
AI use cases and AI from a data science perspective
"Agenda1500 Registration1510 Welcome. v/ IBM, Pedab Denmark & BLUEFRAGMENTS1515 Blow stuff up and change the game! Unleashing the Value ofExponential AI Technologies . v/Thomas Nørmark – Itelligence1550 Networking1600 Value Driven […]
Stable Coins – Real world application for digital currencies
"Stable coins are becoming a common thread in the quest for mainstream adoption of digital currencies. ITU Innovators will host an evening where we are joined by two stable coin […]
ngCopenhagen – October edition
"We're pleased to have Dariusz Kalbarczyk & Michael Hladky as speakers. Dariusz Kalbarczyk is organizer of the legendary ngPoland conference and also Angular Warsaw Meetup. Michael Hladky is GDE in Angular and […]
NodeSchool – Learn JavaScript workshop
"We are going to get together and try out some of nodeschool's tutorials. It is going to be a hands-on experience and together with some mentoring, you guys are going […]
Copenhagen FinTech Lab’s 2 years anniversary
"Has it already been 2 years? Wow!Dear residents, alumni, partners & sponsors and friends of the house,2 years have passed since we opened Copenhagen FinTech Lab and we need to […]
Plads til Flere Hackathon
"1. Hvad:Et hackathon er en innovations-proces, hvor man skal fra ide til prototype på kort tid. Til dette ide-hackathon afsættes 24 timer til at udfordre bankverdenens nuværende løsninger til borgere med særlige behov, og vi […]
Open Source Community Day replacement event
"With great regret we had to cancel Open Source Days, due to lack of sponsors.For everyone who was looking forward to the Community Day for meeting and networking with the […]
Maritime Labs 2 : Enabling global trade for the UN SDGs
"Maritime Labs is a forum for maritime and non-maritime corporates and startups to get inspired from the latest innovative digital solutions and develop a deeper understanding of the opportunities in […]
InnoBooster info meeting @Copenhagen Agrifood Incubator
"Have an innovative idea related to food, agriculture or circular economy that needs funding? InnoBooster might be a good funding opportunity for you.Over 1400 companies got funding to develop their projects […]
Pivot, the 5-letter dirty word that every startup needs to master
Rik rocks. Go."Investors are scared by it, peers don't understand it and most founders don't know how, why or when to do it, yet pivoting is the most important skill […]
Overset “detalje” i offentlige it-løsninger kan spare millioner
"Dårlig kode holder ikke og kan i værste fald føre til it-skandaler, hvor tabene tælles i hundreder af millioner. Omvendt gør god kodekvalitet it-løsninger nemme at fejlsøge, opdatere og vedligeholde […]
Understand Phishing
"On the 9th of October, we dive into the details of some phishing techniques and countermeasures deployed on the Internet to mitigate these - and more sophisticated - attacks.Besides getting […]
Google H/W Event
"Join us at Shape for food and drinks, as Google introduces the new line of Pixel phones as well as other devices Made By Google. We are very excited to […]
Unix signals – Malmö.rb
"Get cozy with Unix signals during October's Malmo.rb meetup.Our good neighbor Stephen Best of Copenhagen.rb will explain and expound on the subject.We still have room for a second talk during […]
Science & Cocktails: Plan(t)s for the future
"Eat your vegetables boys and girls! Why are plants amazing organisms? What are the health benefits of broccoli and red cabbage? How do plants interact with their surroundings? Is mustard […]
High Tech Summit
"Join the DTU High Tech Summit – a unique trade fair and conference!High Tech Summit is part conference and part exhibition powered by DTU (Technical University of Denmark). Our vision […]
DTU Startup Fair
"Presenting the thriving startup scene on and around DTU with 50 of the best startups showcasing with poster stands. Throughout the day you get the chance to meet and match […]
Global deployment of Dynamics 365 Business Central – Skåne Azure User Group
"The story - how Microsoft themselves deploy Dynamics 365 Business Central using multiple Azure services on global scale.Get to know the story behind Microsoft’s deployment of Dynamics 365 Business Central, […]
GitOps your kubernetes deployments – DevOps Skåne
"GitOps your kubernetes deployments with Helm and HelmsmanHelm (an incubated CNCF project) is the kubernetes package manager which allows you to parametrize, version and publish your kubernetes applications. However, Helm […]
The Art of Finding your Thing
"Why do we always tend to see our weaknesses and put our focus on how to improve them? Regardless the effort we spend on our weaknesses it would still not […]