
Techfestival Meetup: Fuckup Nights – Female Founders’ Fail Stories
"NB: If you have already purchased a wristband, please register by RSVP'ing for free. If you want to participate but are missing a Techfestival wristband, buy it here (you will […]
Techfestival Meetup: Social Technologies of Cooperation
"NB: If you have already purchased a wristband, please register by RSVP'ing for free. If you want to participate but are missing a Techfestival wristband, buy it here (you will […]
Techfestival Meetup: Calling the Next Generation of Tech Entrepreneurs!
"NB: If you have already purchased a wristband, please register by RSVP'ing for free. If you want to participate but are missing a Techfestival wristband, buy it here (you will […]
Techfestival Meetup: A Declaration – What We Want from Future Education
"NB: If you have already purchased a wristband, please register by RSVP'ing for free. If you want to participate but are missing a Techfestival wristband, buy it here (you will […]
Techfestival Meetup: Me and the Algorithmic ‘Other’
NB: If you have already purchased a wristband, please register by RSVP'ing for free. If you want to participate but are missing a Techfestival wristband, buy it here (you will […]
Techfestival Meetup: Science ❤️ Art: Merging Two Minds
"NB: If you have already purchased a wristband, please register by RSVP'ing for free. If you want to participate but are missing a Techfestival wristband, buy it here (you will […]
Techfestival Meetup: ML for Dummies
"NB: If you have already purchased a wristband, please register by RSVP'ing for free. If you want to participate but are missing a Techfestival wristband, buy it here (you will […]
Is Security an Obstacle for Security?
"Challenges of a real world - when the customer doesn't or can't tell you everything?When security becomes paranoia and stops you from really doing something to fight potential threats.The daily […]
The Promise of Quantum Computing
"Quantum computers are under development but what will be the impact of such devices? Which problems may be tackled efficiently and which will remain hard even for a quantum computer? […]
Deep Learning for Healthcare Genomics
"In partnership with the NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute and the University of Copenhagen, this free, hands-on course teaches you how to apply deep learning to detect chromosome co-deletion and search […]
Communication for startups by Christopher Black – Symbion
"Why communication for startups is much more than a front page articleMost Danish startups are very focused on getting on the front page of Børsen as fast as possible, but […]
Mette Fløe: start-up og ekspandering i en politisk virkelighed
"Kom med til en spændende aften med Mette Fløe Nielsen!Mette har 2 årtiers erfaring i IT branchen hvor hun har siddet i ledende stillinger i virksomheder som IBM, Carlsberg, KMD […]
Maritime Labs: EXCHANGE insights to look beyond just compliance in UN SDG’s
"Calling all companies, large or small, in maritime or delivering solutions addressing UN SDG's!EXCHANGE is the first of 3 progressive sessions to look beyond just compliance with IMO regulations and explore […]
CBS – startups pitch internships and student jobs
"We will repeat the famous event: 50 startups will pitch 200 student-jobs and internships in front of 1200 students at CBS (the event is open for all, you don't need […]
Light Space:Textile Illumination – Seminar
"With textiles as substrate, this symposium explores how new lighting technologies can become part of architectural design practice as a means of supporting more resilient ways of living.The interplay between […]
Nordic Female Investor Meetup
"As the Nordic tech scene continues to grow, gender diversity in the field is at a standstill. We need more female investors, and we need more women to realise that […]
Talk by Mark Daibhidh Anderson: Increasing NLP parsing efficiency with chunking
Abstract:The goal of the Fastparse project is to develop NLP parsers withspeeds suitable for large-scale analyses without forsaking accuracy.A ‘Chunk-and-pass’ parsing technique influenced by a psycholingusitic model, where linguistic information […]
Kick-off-møde i KBH om sparring til vækst
"Sparringspartnerne tilbyder 20 timers gratis sparring til SMV’er og iværksættere med synlige vækstpotentialer. Sparringen gives af erfarne erhvervsledere, som ved, hvordan man udvikler og driver virksomheder. De har selv gjort […]
Exploring the Future of Self-Driving Cars
"SPACE10 invites you to an evening exploring the future of self-driving cars and our upcoming Playful Research project, Spaces on Wheels. Self-driving cars have long been the stuff of science […]
Bliv klogere på Smart City i kommunerne
"Teracom inviterer til en formiddag om de nye muligheder for at effektivisere arbejdsgange og skabe værdi på nye områder med Internet of Things (IoT) og Smart City-løsninger.IoT og Smart City […]