
SME Lifehacks #1
"Hvorfor ikke lade 2020 være året, hvor du totaloptimerer dine driftsprocesser? Vi har værktøjerne - alt du skal gøre er at dukke op.Så er 2020 officielt skudt igang. Ganske som […]
Do we need to control AI – if so how much?
"A while back we debated together with Barrel Monkey AI whether AI should be regulated or not and who should hold the power to control AI. Our results were clear, […]
Copenhagen Investment Showcase
"We are inviting you to join our Copenhagen investment showcase! In the last events, we showcased more than 15 companies from 6 different countries, raising funds from all over the […]
AI Monday
"AI Monday Copenhagen is a recurring new networking event with 4 expert presentations for people interested in AI.In early 2000 curious minds met regularly on Monday afternoons in Helsinki to […]
TEDxCopenhagen: What the **** will my future look like?
"Are you just as anxious as us about what our future will hold? Change is upon us and we are currently experiencing a massive disruption in the way we work. […]
Cyberhack – Talentfair
"Organizations need to constantly improve their cybersecurity capabilities, and grow new talents. That’s why we are hosting this talentfair.The talentfair wants to inspire you on which skills the future cyber […]
Urbantech 2020 Launch Event
"It is time for year 2 in the Urbantech Program. We’re opening for applications 18 February and to mark that with a bang we’re inviting you to come join us […]
Sitecore User Group Denmark (SUGDK)
"In this workshop we will take a closer look at Docker for Sitecore. The workshop will contain presentation and exercises.Tentative agenda!- Presentation: Sitecore loves containers- Exercise: Setup local solution- Break- […]
Internet of Brain
"Internet of Brain (IoB) is here: a global set of protocols and agreements will connect our brains to digital services online as well as to other brains, triggering the next […]
Enterprise digital transformation with Azure DevOps Services
"Welcome to another evening with learnings from real life cases using innovative Azure technologies! We have a special guest that is everyday working with a really hot topic, Digital Transformation […]
ML at scale – Real-time predictions using distributed stream processing
"We will focus on fast processing of big data sets, and how that is particularly important when it comes to live applications that use a trained ML model.Agenda:1730 Grab a […]
Visual Thinking Copenhagen #8 – hosted by Microsoft
"The goal of the meetup is to cocreate – draw together, learn something new – by sharing with each other and by presenting useful tips and tricks that will help […]
Diversity in startups: Effects on well-being
"Have you ever considered the role of diversity in building healthy startups and happy employees?Maria Dahl Andersen will present the findings from her report on "Diversity in startups: Effects on […]
UX Talk // Empowering designers to work with sustainability
"Sustainability has proven itself and is creating true value for our society as well as businesses.Sustainability is the ability to exist constantly. In the 21st century, it refers generally to […]
Future of Work Forecast
"Work remains the constant of modern life: Where we spend a good part of our best energy and hours awake. So how do we make it matter?As we move into […]
Food Pitch: Oplev det nyeste på den københavnske madiværksætter-scene
"Få indsigt i de nyeste madideer, når Food Startups seneste acceleratorhold efter 5 måneders intensivt arbejde pitcher for et skarpt panel bestående af bl.a. Claus Meyer og Lasse Skjønning fra Grød. Mød […]
CopenhagenJS February – DFDS
"A new year of JavaScript and already so many cool things have happened. Microsoft Edge is out of preview and Microsoft has changed a lot of things about the browser, […]
SPACE10 and IAM present The Post-Everython
"Last month at SPACE10 Delhi, IAM brought together a group of interdisciplinary people in a spirited two-day program called the Everython. The overarching question was this: How can organisations, designers and […]
Game Network Programming Meetup: Fredrik Holmström (Quantum & Bolt)
"Join fellow professionals working with Network Programming for a special guest talk and stay for a chat over some drinks and pizza!Working in the field ? Would like to meet […]
Fejring af virksomhederne i SDG Accelerator 2019
"Hvordan laver man god forretning med Verdensmålene? 19 danske virksomheder i SDG Accelerator har vist vejen. Kom og bliv inspireret.Det er med stor glæde, at UNDP og Industriens Fond kan […]