
Demo Day | +impact accelerator
"You are invited to the second Demo Day for the +impact accelerator powered by Katapult, SingularityU Nordic and Danske Bank. Two months ago we set out on a journey, welcoming […]
Entrepreneurial Negotiation
"Entrepreneurship is a key component of leadership, both in start Ups and with corporate change management. A growing number of corporations are strategically emphasizing the importance of innovation, growth and […]
Rails Girls Open Source project @ BusinessNow
"Program1700 Welcome1715 Intro by our host - BusinessNow1730 User stories workshop for product1830 Get into groups1945 Wrap Up2000 GoodbyeWe're building an open source app: A Mentor/Mentee Platform: "Find a mentor-platform: A […]
Introduction to Liberating Structures
"Goal: To play, learn and be inspired to start using LS in your daily work.7 structures will be presented:@ Impromtu to Networking@ Folding Spectogram@ Simple Ethnography@ Troika consulting@ Celebrity interview@ […]
Serverless meetup – CloudRun and AutoML
"Hi friends, let us meet and talk about serverless, a lot of interesting things has happened in this space. Cloud Run is a new product from Google Cloud and even […]
James Tichenor + Joshua Walton – Design & Emerging Technology
"A traditional view of technology suggests that it is invented in research, transferred to industry, and crafted into innovative products. However as the pace of invention and innovation increases, this […]
ngCopenhagen – June edition
"After a long break due to ngVikings we're now back!Our speakers: Kenneth Christiansen (https://twitter.com/kennethrohde), Hema Gunti (https://twitter.com/HGunti), Lars Knudsen (https://twitter.com/denladeside), Uri Goldshtein (https://twitter.com/UriGoldshtein) & Emil Møller (https://twitter.com/emilrmoeller)" Price: Free Link: […]
Scripting, pure and functional
"TopShell is a functional language through which you can SSH into a server, grap a file, fill in some data from the internet and then create a live graphical plot […]
Design Sprint 2.0: Day 1 after noon – Sketch concepts
"At this next event we will try the exercises in a workshop format, that takes place on day 1 after noon where we will come up with solution ideas - […]
Next conversation #1: Democracy & design
"På hvilke områder kommer design til at markere sig de næste 40 år? Det spørgsmål stillede vi i Dansk Design Center, da vi i april fejrede vores 40-års fødselsdag med […]
React ⚛️ June meetup! ✨
"This month TV2 Denmark is generously hosting us! ❤️ 🙏As a small gratitude of our appreciation and to encourage everyone to speak we'll also be giving members who sign-up as […]
Democracy+Technology Cafe – The impact of stable cryptocurrency on Democracy
"Blockchain and cryptocurrencies are some of the most talked about technologies right now and they are poised to have profound impact on society at large. But in Next Generation Democracy […]
GO GROW – Cyber Security Seminar
"After successful seminars about IoT and AI, we're now focusing attention on yet another interesting technology: Cyber Security.Cyber Security becomes increasingly important given the digitisation of many companies and government […]
Boost with Facebook
"Udnyt dine vækstmuligheder via sociale medier Dansk Iværksætter Forening og facebook afholder workshop i Odense den 26. juni om annoncering på facebook og instagram. Man kan sige meget om de […]
Google Maps and Visualizations – Deck.gl
"Hi friends, maps are important in our everyday life and making maps is a powerful way to show data. This meetup we are going to talk about Maps and how […]
Startup Dojo S07E10
"There’s never been a better time to get startedDo you have a great business idea but don’t know how to take it to the next level?Come and talk with experienced […]
Approaching Natural Language Processing
"We had such an awesome Meetup with Ivana Hybenova, she deserves a second round! This time we'll be focusing on Python and natural language processing.Who are our speakers?Ivana Hybenova is […]
"At this event, inQvation, TechBBQ and Synch have joined forces to set focus on the term "founder friendly" and what it really means. This time with a focus on the […]
Pydata Copenhagen June Jubilations
"It's June Jubilations!It's gonna be a jubilous June meetup, where we kick back with a couple of cold ones on a hot summer day!Agenda:1800 Doors Open - come hang out, […]
Le Wagon Copenhagen | Demo Day
"This time the presentations will take place at IKEA in Malmö, afterwards there'll be networking and drinks. Everything is of course FREE and open to everyone.In April, our latest group […]