
Democracy+Technology Cafe – The impact of stable cryptocurrency on Democracy
"Blockchain and cryptocurrencies are some of the most talked about technologies right now and they are poised to have profound impact on society at large. But in Next Generation Democracy […]
GO GROW – Cyber Security Seminar
"After successful seminars about IoT and AI, we're now focusing attention on yet another interesting technology: Cyber Security.Cyber Security becomes increasingly important given the digitisation of many companies and government […]
Boost with Facebook
"Udnyt dine vækstmuligheder via sociale medier Dansk Iværksætter Forening og facebook afholder workshop i Odense den 26. juni om annoncering på facebook og instagram. Man kan sige meget om de […]
Google Maps and Visualizations – Deck.gl
"Hi friends, maps are important in our everyday life and making maps is a powerful way to show data. This meetup we are going to talk about Maps and how […]
Startup Dojo S07E10
"There’s never been a better time to get startedDo you have a great business idea but don’t know how to take it to the next level?Come and talk with experienced […]
Approaching Natural Language Processing
"We had such an awesome Meetup with Ivana Hybenova, she deserves a second round! This time we'll be focusing on Python and natural language processing.Who are our speakers?Ivana Hybenova is […]
"At this event, inQvation, TechBBQ and Synch have joined forces to set focus on the term "founder friendly" and what it really means. This time with a focus on the […]
Pydata Copenhagen June Jubilations
"It's June Jubilations!It's gonna be a jubilous June meetup, where we kick back with a couple of cold ones on a hot summer day!Agenda:1800 Doors Open - come hang out, […]
Le Wagon Copenhagen | Demo Day
"This time the presentations will take place at IKEA in Malmö, afterwards there'll be networking and drinks. Everything is of course FREE and open to everyone.In April, our latest group […]
Bubbles & Tapas
"What's in a name? A lot, it turns out. Join us in setting us well off for next stage in our journey towards personalised healthcare.We would love to kick off […]
Fintech + Investors – Friday Bar with DLA Piper
"Attracting investors is vital to most FinTech startups. At this Friday bar event DLA Piper will provide you with insights on the main challenges and practicalities of investments.We will explain […]
FooCoding Class: Newcomers
"FooCoding is a six month program for refugees and immigrants to become fullstack web developers. Read more register for next course at https://www.foocoding.org/.Each applicant needs to do an assignment (which you will […]
Meet BioInnovation Institute at the University of Copenhagen
"Want to know more about bringing your science to market? BioInnovation Institute (BII) is visiting to meet with scientists interested in the BII programs: BII Proof of Concept, BII Business Acceleration Academy or BII […]
Get up to speed with Bayesian data analysis in R
"Hi!Time to restart this hands-on data science meetupwith a fantastic tutorial by Rasmus Bååth!Bayesian data analysis is a powerful tool for inferential statistics and prediction and this 3 hour tutorial […]
CIID Lightning Talks @UN City – week 1
"A 7-minute long talk, demo, or opinion piece by each of the CIID Summer School faculty on a topic that they are passionate about.The CIID Lighting Talks will happen every […]
Ruby Talks Night at Karnov
"A string of talks for you interpolated with food, drinks and friendly conversation.Speakers: Coding Pirates: Volunteers doing playful learning with Ruby.Sune Sylvest Nilausen, lead developer at Blueprint LearningTonsser’s Backend Powered […]
Bitcoin & Beers!
"To give new life to this group, nothing better than chatting around a few pints! Read on for details:What: meetup at special pub in CPH, one the first pubs to […]
DataViz Meetup – Let’s socialise!
(Data visualization is hot. For proof google Tableau and the price it fetched recently.)"It's summer, so let's socialise! Let's see how many are interested in meeting up over the summer." […]
ProductTank Copenhagen: Small, cozy and quick
"This is an experimental version of ProductTank Copenhagen, where we try to do something cozy, small, and quick.ProductTank Copenhagen will visit Forecast with multiple speakers. It will be quick talks, […]
CIID Lightning Talks @UN City – week 2
"A 7-minute long talk, demo, or opinion piece by each of the CIID Summer School faculty on a topic that they are passionate about.The CIID Lighting Talks will happen every […]