
Google I/O streaming event
"GOTO Copenhagen and Google Developer Group are happy to welcome you to this year’s Google I/O Streaming event at the Trifork office.**IMPORTANT**Since this event is a collaboration with other community […]
Rails Girls Open Source project @ DFDS
"Contribute to our Open Source project!Program:1700 Welcome1715 Introduction by our host - DFDS1730 Get into groups1800 Dinner1830 Group Work1930 Wrap UpWe decided to build an open source app together: "Find […]
Keynote: AI and machine learning in practice with Netcompany
"Hej everybody,Buzzwords such as Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence are increasingly used without being tied to a concrete example or a realized project. We would like to accommodate that!Thus, on May […]
Malmö Polyglot Brigade – Malmö.rb
"The use of several languages is common thing in computing - leverage the smarts, speed or craftiness of one, and then get some other benefit from another.Ruby has great neighbours, […]
Google I/O EXT
"We are gathered to watch Googles CEO, Sundar Pichai, doing the opening keynote at the developer conference Google I/O 2019. We will after the presentation analyse, judge and critise their […]
Solutions ⇿ Innovation ⇿ Sustainability
"Meet the SDG Tech Awards 2019 Nominees and learn about innovations that accelerate the SDGs.The Sustainability Caravan visits Sustainary. Sustainary works with identifying solutions, co-creation and joint development of new […]
How to Penetrate China as a Danish Brand$
"Join Innovation House China-Denmark and Asia House for an insightful afternoon on Chinese Social Media marketing and Cross Border eCommerce (CBEC). Find out how you can build up a Significant […]
Ruby Talks Night at Karnov
"A string of talks for you interpolated with food, drinks and friendly conversation.Speakers: ?We are looking for speakers! Get in touch with us! Good to know: We operate under the […]
PreSeed Academy #11: Build or buy – a strategic approach to AI in startups
"AI in startups from a strategic and organisational point of viewIt almost seems like there is no end to the wonders of AI. But the hype can easily convince you […]
3Shape student event: Applied AI in Medtech
"Machine learning and artificial intelligence are changing the fields of medical devices and medical software in an unprecedented manner by making workflows faster, reducing costs, and improving accuracy.We are happy to welcome […]
Startups <3 Humanister & Jurister
"Thinking about an internship? Looking for a student position? Thinking about a thesis with an external partner? Or do you just låve networking?Come and meet a bunch of startups, who […]
Ship Faster – with Agile Business Intelligence
"Can your enterprise benefit from Agile to deliver success in BI?Join this event to hear how Maersk BI leveraged Agile to accelerate the delivery of customer insights. Using Agile to […]
SpilBar 41: Sounds Good!
"Sound design and music are important, yet often overlooked elements of a great game. Hear the best local practitioners and how they create not just sound, but expressive interactive audio universes in their […]
Mark Brown/Game Maker’s Toolkit, “The Art of Analysing Games”
" Keynote talk + Q&A + MingleI know that most of you, like myself, have spent a fair amount of hours nodding along in agreement to Mark while watching Game […]
Silicon Valley: Penge, Tech og Fælder
"Du inviteres til en aften med en af de tungere figurer i Silicon Valley, Shomit Gose fra ONSET Ventures, som er softwareingeniør, investor i tech startups og har skarpe holdninger […]
Computational Workshop in Single Cell Data Analysis
"The workshop aims to provide an overview of computational methods available for single cell data analysis.Get an overview and discuss pros and cons for various computational methods designed for:- data […]
The Shape of Things to Come – The Things Network Copenhagen Meetup 2019
"1400 - 1600 with open networking at ScrollBar1600 - ....It's been some time ... since our 1st Hackathon in 2017 ....Whether you are all new to this, or already part […]
Oplev Membership-området i Symbion startup-miljø
"Do you want to be part of a community of like-minded innovative startups and growth companies? And are you often on the move, so that a flexible work space with […]
Entrepreneur talk: What it’s like to start your own business
"What is it like to start your own business?Come find out on Friday the 10th of March! Perhaps you are a student, you have an idea for a business or […]
Learn from the best: Marie-Louise Bjerg fra Mountain Top Industries
"Hør historien bag Mountain Top Industries, der ni år i træk er kåret som Gazelle virksomhed. Hør, hvordan fokus på produktudvikling, kvalitet og effektivitet i alle processer har medvirket til […]