
REFRESH. Day 4. Workshops. Talk & Keynote
"Workshops10.00 to 14.00: Workshop by Luke Franzke & Joel GähwilerThis workshop provides hands-on insight into the fields of Physical Computing and Responsive Environments. A brief kick-off lecture is followed by […]
REFRESH. Day 4. Workshops. Talk & Keynote
"14.00 to 16.00: Workshop Kids & Teens by Patrik Ferrarelli & Larissa HolaschkeWith analogue tools such as coloured pencils, paper and Post-its the participants design their own 8bit-superhero*ins. Background: How […]
REFRESH. Day 4. Workshops. Talk & Keynote
"17.00 to 17.30: Talk by Playables & Keynote Yasaman Sheri Background: How can other disciplines help, support and encourage us to anticipate future needs and responsibilities for design? How can […]
The Wrap-up!
"Welcome to THE WRAP-UP! Game Habitat invites you all to our POST-NORDIC GAME AND CREATIVE COAST WRAP-UP session presented by Elie Abraham with guest speaker Niklas Mikkelsen, organiser for this year's Creative Coast […]
Power BI meeting in Copenhagen
"Ready, steady, GO! Once again we will do something extraordinary. This time we will not just have 2 or 3 sessions - but 6! Yes, we will have six different […]
AI Student Expo: Reinforcement Learning
"There’s something magical about Reinforcement Learning (RL). You may have noticed that computers can now automatically learn to play ATARI games (from raw game pixels!), they are beating world champions […]
Infrastructure Automation with Puppet – DevOps Malmö
"Puppet's latest set of open source tools enables both an agentless task-based approach, as well as agent-based declarative approach to infrastructure automation. Get introduced to Puppet Bolt, Puppet Server and Puppet […]
Open Banking Meetup with Tink
"We invited Tink to join us for a talk about the possibilities of open banking. Based on their experience working with customers like Klarna, Lunar Way and Mash, Tink will […]
Female Founder Office Hours
"In Denmark, only 8% of VC fundung goes to startups with female founders.To address the funding discrepancy, we wish to gather female founders based in Denmark and female investors from […]
Crash-course affärsängelinvestering
"Välkomna till en kort introduktion till att investera i startups och hur man blir affärsängel!Startups är tidiga innovativa bolag med stora ambitioner och stor potential. De ser världen på ett […]
Denmark Demo Day
"Denmark Demo Day will gather 150 of the best and brightest young investors from international and local top-tier VC firms and leading local business angels to provide a platform for […]
Fintech Tuesday – Applied Blockchain & Smart Contracts
"Welcome to Fintech Tuesday hosted by Copenhagen FinTech and InfinIT, where we combine the knowledge of commercial stakeholders together with the newest research within the technical sciences.This Fintech Tuesday will […]
Volunteer Meeting for Creative Business Cup
"Do you want to be a part of an amazing volunteer crew and make a difference? Then you should join us at Creative Business Cup. It’s fun, you can network, […]
Event Storming, DDD, CQRS and Testing – JavaForum
"From the Big Picture to Microservices with Event Storming, DDD and CQRS – The Why, Where and How of upgrading your Legacy Architecture to the next Level!Many software architectures benefit […]
Dixa Connect: Build Communities, Not Customer Databases
"Spring has Sprung!And it’s time for another get-together in the name of excellent customer engagement.We’ve gathered some of the arbiters of next-gen CX, so come along and find out how […]
Tracking Frontend Performance at Boozt
"There will be two talks tonight about frontend development.What we do as Boozt frontendersSpeaker: Meilan Lin - Frontend developer @BooztMeilan had worked as a consultant for past 5 years and […]
Sitecore User Group Meetup – May 28th 2019
"Agenda1730 Food1815 Volodymyr Hil, Sitecore MVP, Pintle ApSTopic: Sitecore Experience Wrapper 1900 Break1915 Anders Laub, Sitecore MVP, LaubPlusCoTopic: Using the new SDK project format in Sitecore solutions2000 Drinks and Networking" […]
Breakfast Seminar: How to create your data-driven IoT solution
"Join us for our breakfast seminar focused on IoT!Solita IoT Alliance lets you build modular solutions with ready-made and tested services and devices; you’ll get a quick start and more […]
Toppolitisk valgmøde med fokus på iværksætteri og rammevilkår
"Der er fuld fart på valgkampen, hvor der bliver diskuteret klima, velfærd, integration, skatteniveau og meget mere. Men hvad med iværksætteri? Der skal trods alt også penge ind i statskassen […]
Copenhagen FinTech’s General Assembly 2019
"Deadline for proposals to be discussed on the General Assembly is May 1st. Please send your proposal to Mads S. Tingsgård at mst@copenhagenfintech.dk.Program1400 General Assembly (members only)1500 Registration & Coffee1530 […]