
Full Scale Data Architects and the Data Quadrants
"Ronald Damhof & Martijn Evers are trying to make Data Architects come to grips with the new reality of data, and how to get control back. For this they started […]
SEO Vækst Academy: Sådan får du succes i toppen af Google i 2019!
"Skal 2019 blive dit bedste år nogensinde i toppen af Google?Kom og mød en masse ligesindede, der alle det samme mål som dig: At gøre 2019 til det bedste år […]
Venture Cup Idea Competition 2019 Award Show
"Join us in celebrating the entrepreneurs of tomorrow from all the Danish universities! We’ve narrowed down the field of hundreds of crazy, cool, amazing and innovative ideas to the very […]
Scrum@Scale with Jeff Sutherland
"GOTO Copenhagen and Nordea welcome you to a GOTO Night with Jeff Sutherland. More info will be revealed by time. AGENDA- TBAJeff SutherlandBIO A former US Air Force “Top Gun,” […]
Nordic Product Marketing Meetup
"The Nordic Product Marketing Network invites you to the first meetup of 2019!We welcome all product marketing specialists, enthusiasts, fans, and collaborators to the meetup. In addition to sharing insights, […]
Streamingkultur: Kaotisk software-udvikling og spin-off muligheder
"It-udviklerne Martin Larsen og Steven Snedker, som står bag softwaren TV4ever, ville egentlig bare optage udsendelser fra DR. TV4ever har brugere, så hvad er next step? Nu deler de deres […]
Amazon re:Invent 2018 – Removing the muck
"Come on over for breakfast and an update on the latest and greatest from Amazon re:invent 2018!One of the main reasons why we are using the cloud is so we […]
Process Intelligence Network Copenhagen
"Large organisations often struggle with many people having their own idea on how things should be done. The larger the organisation, the larger the need for knowledge sharing and common […]
Copenhagen Hardware Alliance Meetup #6: Open source hardware
"Welcome to the 6th Copenhagen Hardware Alliance Meetup, where our theme will be: Open source hardware.*** Location: Stykka (Cotter), Fabriksparken 1, 2600 Glostrup ****Open source hardware is hardware whose design […]
Women in Tech – Are you ready to do fundraising?
"Are you ready to do some fundraising?Come and join Women In Tech DK's popular event about fundraising. Limited seats available.Joo Runge, Black Panther Consulting, will start by making you aware […]
CopenhagenJS January meetup
"Schedule:1700 Doors open1745 Welcome1800 You?1825 Break with food and drinks1900 You?1935 You?2000 Quiz time2010 Socialising - meet the community2100 See you next time!What is CopenhagenJS?it's a monthly community group in […]
Video Marketing Meetup: Copenhagen (January 2019)
"After visiting London, Amsterdam, Oslo, San Francisco and Denver, The Video Marketing Meetup is coming home to Copenhagen!Video is the best way to tell stories and connect with a customer. But video […]
Jeg holder af hverdagen – med GDPR (København)
GDPR is the gift that keeps giving."GDPR i hverdagen Den 25. januar 2019 stiller PIINC og Data & More skarpt på GDPR i hverdagen.- Hvordan kan du effektivt håndtere indsigtsbegæringer- Hvordan […]
AI Seminar: Machine Learning and Banking: a Model Risk Perspective
"Speaker: Søren Mørk, Chief Model Risk Analyst at NordeaAbstract: TBA" Price: Free Link: https://ai.ku.dk/events/ai-seminar-soeren-moerk/
Nytårskur/New Years Reception 2019
"Dear residents, alumni, partners, sponsors and friends!2018 has been a remarkable year for Danish fintech and we want to celebrate that with you. Copenhagen Fintech has the pleasure to invite […]
AEC Hackathon 6.0 – Copenhagen
"The AEC (Architecture, Engineering, Construction) Hackathon was created in 2013 to give those designing, building, and maintaining our built environment the opportunity to collaborate with cutting edge technologies and its […]
Danish Tech Challenge Awardshow
"Finalisterne til dette års Danish Tech Challenge er nu fundet. Det betyder, at det snart er tid til at kåre vinderen af Danish Tech Challenge 2018.Hans Kongelige Højhed Kronprins Frederik […]
Book Club: The Mushroom at the End of the World
"Very excited to announce the 1st book club of 2019!We're reading Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing's 'The Mushroom at the End of the World: On the Possibility of Life in Capitalist Ruins'. […]
TensorFlow 101: Getting stated
"Hey everybody, I'm going to give a little getting started intro with TensorFlow. If you are interested in learning how to use this mysterious mythical framework that is used in […]
Fintech Tuesday #1- Quantum in Finance
"Welcome to our first Fintech Tuesday, hosted by Copenhagen FinTech and InfinIT, where we combine the knowledge of commercial stakeholders in fintech together with the newest research within the technical […]