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Talent Garden Rainmaking: Startup Advice Sessions

"At Respond Festival we bring all of our entrepreneurial community to IDA at Kalvebod Brygge.During the festival, June 6 + 7, we will be offering business advice to everyone with a […]

Respond Festival

"Glæd dig til en oplevelse, hvor du inviteres til at lytte, røre, spørge og lære mere om de tanker og teknologiske løsninger, der kan holde klima-forandringerne for døren.Indimellem de mere […]

Blockchain workshop: Demystifying the technology with Cyrus Clarke

"To attend:1.Buy at ticket for the RESPOND FESTIVAL https://respondfestival.ida.dk/ 2. Register at: https://respondfestival.ida.dk/sign-up-demystifying-blockchain/ "Blockchain workshop: Discover the potential of blockchain to create greater value for society, using design methods to kickstart the journey […]

Machine Learning workshop with Andreas Refsgaard

"1. Sign up for the RESPOND FESTIVAL https://respondfestival.ida.dk/ 2. Register for the workshop: https://respondfestival.ida.dk/sign-up-machine-learning/ Machine Learning workshop: Dive into real Machine Learning and Learn how to make interactive websites that can learn […]

Entrepreneur Talk II: Starting your own business

"Købmagergade 22 is the home of ARYZE, Blue Energy, ProOwnedCycling and Statum. And on June 6th you can meet the founders of all of the companies.They will present how they […]

The SDG Tech Awards [Denmark] 2019

"Join us at the ultimate celebration of promising and existing SDG technologies, the SDG Tech Awards identifies solutions to SDGs in Denmark by awarding commendable innovations, and recognising groundbreaking technologies […]

Let’s shape the future of work together

"We're thrilled to launch our new The Future of Work Accelerator and would like to invite you and other leading players in the ecosystem for an exclusive TALK on how we can […]

DesignAM: Designing Radical Technology

"Come join us for a morning of discussing radical new technologies and how to design for them and with them.At this designAM we've invited Cyrus Clarke and Mike Brandt to […]

IoT in action with AWS IoT and AWS Greengrass

"Massimiliano Angelino, Specialist Solution Architect IoT at AWS, will join us for a talk on ASW and IoT:IoT is a popular buzzword nowadays, but what does it means and what […]

The Agile Denmark is running on three wheels

"Welcome to a debate of two of the most interesting questions on the agile scene at the moment: Frameworks and project managers.Lasse Borris Sørensen speaks under the title 'The Agile […]

Utveckling av ledarskap – Teal for Teal Malmö

"Man kan beskriva ledarskap på många olika sätt. Bland annat i nivåer av komplexitet och olika perspektiv på organisationen, uppgifternas komplexitet och vilka resurser som krävs av individerna. Tillsammans kommer […]

Creative Coding #4

"Time for some tech-art magic!!Creative Coding Copenhagen is an open space for people who are interested in exploring code for artistic and creative purposes.On _countless_ calls we are introducing a […]