
Techfestival: Mozilla & Open AI: How a data commons and collaborative technology can democratize speech recognition.
"Voice is fastly becoming the new way in which we interact with technology. In this talk we’ll hear Mozilla’s Open Innovation Director talk about the current state of the technology, […]
Techfestival: AKQA Creative Cagefight
"AKQA Creative Cagefight, fuelled by Carlsberg, is pitching the world’s creatives against each other in 5-minute showdowns taking place behind the main stage area. If you’re on the look-out for […]
Techfestival: AI & ML – Removing The Hype
"Time to Remove the AI hype and Dig for The Golden Data and Supercharge Sales Teams with Data ScienceTalk 1 (20-25min): Melina Katkic – Homo Sapiens Sapiens AI & ML […]
Techfestival: Endings
"“’Tis impossible to be sure of any thing but Death and Taxes” – Christopher Bullock (1716)While taxes can be dodged, death can’t; and life is not the only thing that has […]
Techfestival: Coworking
"Advanced discussion for coworking veteransCoworking spaces are some of our most vital ecosystems. As such, we must ensure they continue to thrive through unexpected events.Join highly experienced, forward-moving, and thought-provoking […]
A Dynamic Edge Proxy with HTTP, TCP and no Hands! DevOps Malmö
"This talk introduces Traefik, an open source and dynamic edge proxy, built for a world of containers. Simplicity and automation are key concepts, so developers don’t waste time configuring or […]
NLS Days HealthTech VIP-Event
"Welcome to a pre-conference VIP-event focusing on HealthTech, in collaboration with Medicon Valley Medtech Network. Nordic Life Science Days is coming to Malmö. This is a unique opportunity to showcase […]
Introduction to (Latent) Gaussian Processes – Hands On Data Science
"Gaussian processes (GP) has many application in both statistics (for instance spatial modelling, predictive medicine) machine learning (for instance regression, classification).The focus of the presentation and hands-on will be introducing […]
Learn from the best: Karina Bergstrøm Larsen
"Come by Futurebox and hear Karina Bergstrøm Larsen tell about her entrepreneurial experience from her time with Satcom1.Behind the success, there are a myriad of challenges and dilemmas to overcome. […]
GOTO Night with Kresten Thorup and guest speaker
"Join GOTO Night’s next meetup with Kresten Thorup, CTO and Co-founder of Humio, and a second guest speaker (to be announced soon!). Kresten will provide an overview of the advantages […]
5th Elixir Meetup, Code Kata – Elixir Malmö
"Come and learn some basic Elixir by coding together.All skill levels are welcome.Suggested exercise: https://github.com/exercism/elixir/tree/master/exercises/list-opsAgenda1730 introduction to the code kata and form groups1745 start working1830 meet and eat1900 continue with the […]
Index-Free Log Aggregation
"Join GOTO Night’s next meetup with Kresten Thorup, CTO and Co-founder of Humio, and a second guest speaker (to be announced soon!). Kresten will provide an overview of the advantages […]
The Design of Everyday Things (Part 1/3) // CPHUX Book Club
"Come and read 'The Design of Everyday Things' with us."Anyone who designs anything to be used by humans -- from physical objects to computer programs to conceptual tools -- must […]
FooCoding: Women – FooCoding: Newcomers
"This is an introduction to FooCoding: for Female Newcomers - How to become a web developer and what does it mean to create a website.You will meet former female students […]
Symetri BIM Forum 2019 – Copenhagen
"Transport-, Bygnings- og Boligministeriets strategi for digitalt byggeri danner rammen om dette års BIM Forum. Bliv klogere på de nye initiativer omkring Build 4.0 og hør Lise Aaen Kobberholm, Vicedirektør […]
Symetri BIM Forum 2019 – Copenhagen
"Transport-, Bygnings- og Boligministeriets strategi for digitalt byggeri danner rammen om dette års BIM Forum. Bliv klogere på de nye initiativer omkring Build 4.0 og hør Lise Aaen Kobberholm, Vicedirektør […]
Teal open space: New Work is Emerging
"New ways of work are emerging. Teal is an approach that is people-friendly, and speaks to the intrinsic motivations of people, as well as it is complexity-informed, adopting organic principles […]
Growth Hacking Power Session by Growth Tribe at TechBBQ
"Growth Tribe is joining TechBBQ 2019 - the biggest startup & innovation summit in Scandinavia.On September 18th & 19th, we will host 2 Growth Hacking Power Sessions (exact times will […]
Innotalk: Kunstig Intelligens – Danmarks muligheder og udfordringer
"Kunstig Intelligens vil forandre vores virksomheder og velfærdssamfund inden for de kommende år. Det har ikke kun potentiale til at styrke væksten og forbedre den offentlige service, men også fundamentalt ændre […]
Sit back and let AI test your code
"In this presentation we learn how a real world tool called AFL - American Fuzzy Lop - uses genetic algorithm to automatically find test cases to identify security vulnerabilities. During the […]