
Morgen TALK: Er du klar til at innovere fremtidens arbejdsformer?
"En af tidens hotteste emner er ”Fremtidens arbejdsformer” - og med god grund. Ny teknologi som kunstig intelligens, robotter, virtual reality og digitale platforme vil nemlig gøre arbejdsbegrebet mere flydende, […]
Join CDON Labs In Hacking Web Applications
"Bring your laptop and hack a web app with us at CDON!Security consultant and ethical hacker Linus Kvarnhammar is coming to CDON to host his famous workshop on security. All […]
Nordic HealthTech Talents Demo Day
"Join us to celebrate with the early stage HealthTech startups, participate in the conversation and meet key players from the ecosystem!The Demo Day event starts at 2pm, due to the […]
Key Takeaways fra SXSW 2019
"Med 5.000 oplægsholdere og deltagere fra over 100 lande er South by Southwest et af verdens absolut vigtigste teknologievents.Ligesom tidligere år har vi inviteret 10 skarpe talere til at dele […]
Le Wagon Copenhagen | QUIZ Night
"🏆🏆🏆 Who will be the big quiz night winner? 🏆🏆🏆This is one for quiz lovers, trivia crackers and everyone curious about code! 📝 Join our current Le Wagon Copenhagen batch, […]
Future of Health – Info Night
"FoodLab at DTU Skylab invites DTU students to discuss the future of wild and foraged food as a preventative approach to healthcare. Representatives from the FoodLab at DTU Skylab and […]
Global Graph Celebration Day – Copenhagen
"Networks are more than just pretty picturesFor GlobalGraphCelebrationDay.com we are running a workshop to explore practical applications of graph theory, network analysis and visualisations, looking into the past and future […]
Automation in Testing introduction – ConTest
"Todays speakers are Mark Winteringham (https://www.mwtestconsultancy.co.uk/) and Richard Bradshaw (https://thefriendlytester.co.uk/) who are visiting Malmö to do their highly appreciated course Automation in Testing.In this session they will do an introduction […]
Peer Lab – 2019, 3rd Event
"Join other developers for a peer-based collaborative learning lab. You've got a question? Maybe someone can provide you with some insight. Maybe you can help someone else with their questions. […]
Skab forretningsmodellen
"En velfungerende forretningsmodel er kritisk for, om en startup får muligheden for at gå fra at være en startup på udkig efter en “scalable, repeatable business model” og så til […]
tretton37 Code Lunch Malmö: What the Webpack!? Recipes for 2019
"Join Andreas Martinsson as he takes you on a tour through the vast (and initially daunting) mass of functionality that is Webpack. In this talk Andreas will walk you through […]
Informal – planning the future of the group
"Dear Data Architect and Modeler Meetuppers!This meetup group is now ready to fly. Over the last month the organisers have secured two sponsors already:- SAS Institute Denmark (https://www.sas.com/da_dk/home.html)- VPT (https://www.vpt.co.uk)Let's […]
Besøg virkelighedens Løvens Hule, hør om folkeinvestering og få en forsmag på “ugens case”
"Er du nysgerrig på om startup-investering er noget for dig? Er du kommerciel ildsjæl, som brænder for iværksætteri og har du måske overvejet at blive medlem af Keystones, Danmarks største […]
Azure Networking with Orin Thomas – Skåne Azure User Group
"Skåne Azure Usergroup is honored to welcome Orin Thomas from Microsoft.Orin Thomas is a Principal Cloud Operations Advocate at Microsoft, an MCT, and has a string of Microsoft MCSE and […]
Bulletproof embedded software w Elixir
"Third Malmö Elixir MeetupAgenda* Lightning talks / show and tell• Embedded Elixir with Nerves• ETS cache performance• Writing interactive webapps without javascript - LiveView demoWe begin at 17.30 with meet […]
Startup Coffee Malmö
"Join Startup Coffee every second Tuesday at Djäkne Kaffebar between 8.00-9.00. Join the first one of the year on January 15th, all you need to do is show up! Startup Coffee […]
Data vault modeling in a complex data environment
"We want to share our experiences in implementing a cloud-based Data Warehouse data vault model. Our company’s operational systems collect telemetry data, real time events and surveillance data from millions […]
Women in Entrepreneurship Breakfast Malmö – 24th of April @Djäkne
"It's time for another one of our family style breakfasts in Malmö on the 24th of April at Djäkne!Are you interested in entrepreneurship but not sure how to start? Do you […]
Hooked // CPHUX Book Club
"Come and read 'Hooked' with us. Events overview:Feb 27th // Chapter 1-2 // 1-60Mar 13th // Chapter 3 // 61-94Mar 27th // Chapter 4 // 95-134Apr 10th // Chapter 5-6 // […]
Game Developer Meetup
"Hello game developers and friends!Welcome to our spring edition of the GAME DEVELOPER MEETUP!An evening where we invite everyone from our game developer community to gather in one space to […]