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Ruby talks night at Tonsser

"A string of talks for you interpolated with food, drinks and friendly conversation.We are always looking for more speakers!Good to know: We operate under the Berlin Code of Conduct http://berlincodeofconduct.org" Price: […]

Distributed microservice architecture – Istio and Kabanero

"Istio addresses the challenges developers and operators face as monolithic applications transition towards a distributed microservice architecture. Istio is a service mesh that lets you efficiently run a distributed microservice […]

UX Meet & Greet at Goodiebox

"UX Meet & Greet is an opportunity to visit Goodiebox and see what they actually do. NOTE: There's a 100 DKK No-Show-Fee!UX/digital designers at Goodiebox work with a lot of […]

What the Heck…Round-1: Student In Production

"Story of how a student caused entire company to go down. But we have heard such stories a lot. So let’s talk about solutions. We haven’t watched Arnold Schwarzenegger speeches […]

UX Perspectives on Design Sprints

"Design Sprints have been hyped since Jake Knap released the book 'Sprint' . We have asked 6 UXers to give their perspective on the subject.This event is SOLD OUT! We […]

Business Maker Kick Off

"Er du freelancer med vokseværk, iværksætter med en forretningsidé eller klar til at konceptudvikle på din arbejdsplads? Gør iværksætterdrømmen til virkelighed med BUSINESS MAKER - et udviklingsforløb over 5 måneder, […]

Retrospective antipatterns with Anio Vonge Corry

"We're happy to have Aino Vonge Corry around for the first GOTO Night in 2020. Aino has a lot of experience in running retrospectives, and tonight she will talk about […]

The UX Team of One (Part 1/2) // CPHUX Book Club

" Signup ONLY VALID via Eventbritehttps://www.eventbrite.com/e/78012819443Come and read 'The UX Team of One' with us.EVENTS OVERVIEW:Jan 15th // Chapter 1-5 // To page 120Jan 29th // Chapter 6-10 // To […]

Internet of Brain

"Internet of Brain (IoB) is here: a global set of protocols and agreements will connect our brains to digital services online as well as to other brains, triggering the next […]

Elastic January meetup

"Come join us for the first Elastic Copenhagen meetup in the new year.We're pleased this time to be hosted by Nine A/S (https://nine.dk/)The list of speakers is still being finalized […]

Sharpen your sales with 70Ventures

"Sharpen your approach to sales. With help from 70Ventures we share practices you can test on your business right away.We will run through tools that simply work. We promise that […]

Global diversity CFP day

"Have you always wanted to become a tech conference speaker?Let 2020 be the year that you make your dream come true and become a tech conference speaker!Call For Proposals (CFP)Events […]

Cloud Secrets: Azure Architecture Day

"This is a full day event with speakers from various danish companies who use Azure as part of their business, and the idea is to provide insight and inspiration in […]

Cloud Native Nordics Tour January

"Agenda1715 "Building a Bank from Scratch in the Cloud on Kubernetes"1800 Break with food1830 "KUDO - Kubernetes Operators, the easy way"1915 “A Song of Dev and Ops”Talk #1: "Building a […]