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Kom og fejr finalisterne til Danish Design Award 2020!

"Onsdag den 18. marts løfter vi sløret for årets finalister til Danish Design Award.Kl. 15.30 åbner vi en udstilling med alle finalistløsningerne på Bryghuspladsen foran BLOX. Og cirka klokken 16.00 […]

Subscription Business Models – from transactions to relationships

"Fremtidens forretningsmodel er abonnementsbaseret.Succesfulde virksomheder er i fuld gang med at transformere sig fra at være transaktionsbaserede til at skabe tættere relationer til kunderne gennem medlemsklubber og abonnementsordninger.Men hvordan gør […]

Full Funnel YouTube / Copenhagen

"Digital video advertising represents an incredible opportunity for advertisers to engage customers and target audiences alike, but how can you ensure that your organisation is geared towards making the most […]

Debatmøde: Går digitaliseringen for stærkt?

"Der er fuld fart på digitaliseringen i den offentlige sektor, men er udviklingen ude af kontrol, og kan medarbejderne overhovedet følge med? IT-Universitetet inviterer til debatmøde om digitaliseringens konsekvenser for […]

Two Bright Minds – Fairness in AI

"How will the growing amounts of data and the use of artificial intelligence influence equality and fairness for individuals and society?Why do we need fairness in AI, is it possible […]

Women Entrepreneurs Group

"The Women Entrepreneurs Group (WEG), is a spring workshop series consisting of seven sessions which focus on entrepreneurial skills development, expert presenters, and building a like-minded community of peers. WEG […]

Drinks with Data Scientists

"Join our Drinks with Data Scientists!Enjoy this great opportunity to connect with your fellow Data Scientists, share knowledge, experiences and mainly have some fun with like-minded people. No speaker, no […]

Web Devs Meetup

"Hi web developers. It's time for a new meetup. I've been busy over the last 3 months, so I was not able to hold the meetup during that period. Now […]

From Zero to Hero with Kafka Connect

"Join us for an Apache Kafka meetup on Monday, March 23rd from 6:00 pm in Copenhagen kindly hosted by our friends at Nine A/S. The address, agenda and speaker information […]

Fintech Tuesday – Impact Investments

"Welcome to Fintech Tuesday hosted by Copenhagen Fintech and InfinIT.Welcome to Fintech Tuesday hosted by Copenhagen Fintech and InfinIT, where we combine the knowledge of commercial stakeholders together with the […]

UX Meet & Greet + case at MobilePay

"UX Meet & Greet is an opportunity to visit MobilePay and see what they actually do + they've arranged a case.According to their users, MobilePay is Denmark's most indispensable app. […]