
Strategies that work. SEMrush & Under2 Meetup in Copenhagen!
"SEMrush in partnership with Under2 are excited to announce our first marketing meetup in Copenhagen!In this meetup, our two industry experts will cover a range of topics relating to Digital and Content […]
BioStock Live Startup pitch & Dealmaker Summit
"We proudly welcome you to the first BioStock Live event on the Danish side of Øresund!In collaboration with Bayer Healthcare we invite leading startups, entrepreneurs and top innovators of the Nordic region to beautiful Copenhagen to […]
Become a BII startup @ BioInnovation Institute
"Are you one of the next BII start-ups? BII is right now looking for ambitious researchers and scientists who dare to jump into the entrepreneurial world. Our latest open calls […]
Dixa Connect Launch
"Join us for the launch of Dixa Connect!At Dixa, our greatest mission is to bring companies closer to their customers. The best customer experience is one that makes the customer […]
Sådan skaffer du kapital til dit startup
"Investor radar, kapitalbehov, værdisætning og forhandlingsproces – velkommen til ToolboxDet seneste år har danske startups rejst mindst 20 millioner kr. via Keystones. Lær hvordan og hvad det kræver.Søger dit startup […]
Ansible Meetup Copenhagen
"It's time again, to have a fun Ansible evening.Come and talk to other Ansible users, and let's learn from each other.Lets meet up and build a strong Ansible community here […]
Creative Confidence // CPHUX Book Club
"Come and read 'Creative Confidence' with us.Event overview:January 16th // Chapter 1-3January 30th // Chapter 4-6February 13th // Chapter 7-8Instead of reading a full book we're dividing it into chapters. This […]
Innotalk: Klar til den næste plastrevolution?
"Det globale forbrug af plast er tyvedoblet de seneste 50 år, og det vil stige med 75 pct. frem mod 2030, hvis vi ikke ændrer kurs. I Danmark forbrænder vi […]
The Entrepreneurial Society: How to build it?
"Why don't we start the new year with a big question: How do we build a truly entrepreneurial society?A place where it is not only possible to create great companies. […]
Healthy Aging Meetup, at the Scheibye-Knudsen lab, Center for Healthy Aging, KU
"Many factors influence the healthy lifespan of a person, such as your lifestyle, dietary patterns, socioeconomic status, and access to healthcare.Genetics play a role in longevity, too. Certain SNPs* have […]
Healthy Aging Meetup, at the Scheibye-Knudsen lab, Center for Healthy Aging, KU
"Many factors influence the healthy lifespan of a person, such as your lifestyle, dietary patterns, socioeconomic status, and access to healthcare.Genetics play a role in longevity, too. Certain SNPs* have […]
Når algoritmer styrer dine sundhedsdata
"Har du tillid til det offentliges brug af dine intimdata? Ved du, hvad der automatisk bliver delt? Og kender du algoritmerne, der skal bane vej for mere hensigtsmæssige patientforløb? Debatmøde […]
Book Launch: On The Move – Lessons for the Future from Nordic Leaders
"Please join me for an informal pre-publication event at the Tradeshift Office on January 18, 2019, to celebrate the launch of the book On the Move: Lessons for the Future from […]
FuckUp Nights Copenhagen at Rainmaking Loft
"FuckUp Nights Copenhagen are back!Join our first event of 2019, where even more failures will be shared and celebrated. Get your free ticket today!Fuckup Nights is a global movement and event series […]
Entering the Chinese market
"Are you or your business considering entering the Chinese market? Come and be inspired by speakers with great knowledge of the Chinese market and hear funny and informative tales about […]
Startup Guide Store Copenhagen – Opening Party & Weekend
"We’re thrilled to announce the opening of the third Startup Guide Store!Join us for our opening weekend in Copenhagen, as we celebrate a new chapter in our history. We will […]
Servant BVIR – ITU kick off meeting
"Servant Big Virtuel Information Radiator is an Non-profit group with the mission to help spread an AGILE MINDSET.Learn more at bvir.dk---Vi har fundet en dato der passer de fleste også […]
Proofpoint Morgenmadsseminar
"Denne morgen sætter vi fokus på Proofpoint, som beskæftiger sig med mailsikkerhed. Vi spiser morgenmad og bruger et par timer på at fortælle dig, hvordan du fjerner spam, skadelige links, virus o.a. […]
Få succes med Product-Market Fit
"Langt hovedparten af alle startups fejler indenfor få år efter, de er stiftet. Den primære årsag til, at startups ikke lykkes er, at der hverken er noget behov eller noget […]
Seminar regarding the new Spotlight rulebook
"As part of Spotlight’s change from being a traditional market place for shares to becoming a strong platform for growth companies we have reviewed our listing agreement.Listed companies has previously […]