
Contentful Community Meetup #1 – Contentful Workflows and UI Extensions
"If you are interested in sharing a project at one of our meetups check out this page: https://www.contentful.com/events/become-a-speaker/, or email us. Schedule1830 Doors open. Have some food and drinks before […]
Introduction to Blockchain with Deloitte
"Jon Brandt Jacobsen currently works at Deloitte and has a big passion for innovation and projects that challenge the core business models of clients. He has significant experience in driving […]
Supply chain attacks – fremtidens hacker er i dit hardware
"Jeg kan overtage din mobil og hele dit liv!36 ting en hacker kan bruge din PC til ...Bagdøren i hardwaren på din nye Lenovo eller Dell laptop sender den til […]
Women in Entrepreneurship Breakfast MALMÖ – Wed 13th of March @Game Habitat
"We're back!The Women in Entrepreneurship breakfasts are back! This time, we are co-hosting the breakfast with Game Habitat. The speaker for this event will be Alice Larsson, Executive Director of […]
Learn from the Best: Tommy Andersen
"Learn from the best!Meet serial tech entrepreneur Tommy Andersen. Tommy has co-founded several startups – most famous Libratone – and is currently also chairman of the Danish Government’s Entrepreneurial Panel.Get […]
Mangfoldige Teams & Målgrupper* – Human & Legal Entrepreneurship
I denne workshop fokuserer vi på at udvikle det mangfoldige team, samarbejde og kommunikation både internt og eksternt - eller hvordan du kommunikerer til og mellem forskellighed*(This one is in […]
Copenhagen Alteryx User Group Q1 2019 Meeting
"We are looking forward to kicking start the Copenhagen Alteryx User Group in 2019. We will aim at a meeting once a quarter for the whole 2019 so please mark […]
Ruby Talks Night at Karnov
"A string of talks for you interpolated with food, drinks and friendly conversation.Speakers:* "Spider bites on Null Island. Publishing natural history specimens as PURLs" - Martin Stein* ?We are looking […]
Cloud Native Solutions and Intelligent Scaling in the Media Industry
"Let's meet to hear and discuss two real cloud native cases from the media industry. Christian will present the on-going transformation at Berlingske Media, and Jan-Erik & Thomas will present […]
Welcome To The World Wide Web – Navigation
"Since the dawn of time, maps have been an essential tool for humans to share information and navigate the unknown. Thanks to the democratisation of satellites and large scale projects […]
Malmö Design Salon #9 ’Experimentation in Design & Business’
"In a constantly changing field innovation is always the name of the game. But a consistent and successful innovation practice needs to question old ways of doing business, as well as support […]
How to Make Money with AI: Future of Investing – Business Hackers
"We have invited Hugo Langéen - co-founder of Century Analytics.Century is a startup and investment fund which aims to reshape the asset management industry by applying AI in the realm […]
Dixa Draft Day
"We're growing!Dixa is a global customer service tech company on an amazing journey, and we're currently looking to staff our sales department with Business Development Representatives (full and part time). We're […]
#SUGMLM på Omegapoint
"Välkomna till SUGMLM #3! Denna gång hälsar Omegapoint välkomna till Adelgatan 6. Det kommer att serveras mat och dryck!Preliminär agenda1730 Mat och nätverkande.1815 Föreläsning/diskussion 11900 Paus1915 Föreläsning/diskussion 2 Den som […]
Elixir Meetup 2
"Agenda:* Lightning talks* Watch and discuss Dave Thomas Component Library - https://vimeo.com/311786532* Introduction to Typespecs and discussions* Elixir course part 2, pattern matching: (https://andreasronge.github.io/dev-happiness-elixir/language.html#/5) Also, join the Elixir Malmö slack […]
Hooked // CPHUX Book Club
"Come and read 'Hooked' with us. Events overview:Feb 27th // Chapter 1-2 // 1-60Mar 13th // Chapter 3 // 61-94Mar 27th // Chapter 4 // 95-134Apr 10th // Chapter 5-6 […]
Securing IoT devices: How to design a secure IoT device.
"Designing a device that is meant to be connected to the Internet must include a set of fine-tuned mechanisms to make it as resilient as possible to hacker “sharks” waiting […]
Lecture: Consulting in Sustainability
"Speakers: Sven Beyersdorff (Nordic Sustainability) and Kristoffer HvidsteenHow can we change the world? How to make sure that existing organisations are fit for the future and have a positive impact? […]
The Secrets in Mobile App Testing Revealed & General Assembly meeting
"DSTB is holding its annual general assembly meeting which is preceeded by a seminar with 2 inspiring presentations:The secrets in mobile app testing revealed (and how to test them)Presented by: […]
SPILBAR 40: Stories
"The Danish games industry is sprawling with new games. We want some of the developers tell their stories and dissect the development process. Each get 10 minutes and 10 slides […]