
UX Meet & Greet at Valtech
"UX Meet & Greet is an opportunity to visit Valtech and see what they actually do.Valtech is a global Digital Agency. What started as a single agency in France 25 years ago, […]
Build Your First app & Foreign Function Interface – Malmö.rb
"The February meetup with Malmö Ruby Brigade has Lars Kronfält presents tips for having a smooth experience when building your first app. We will explore a get-to-the-Web journey where Lars adds […]
Monitoring and take-down of online trademark infringements made simple(r)
"Andreas Juchli (Thomsen Trampedach) will share insights into how brand protection and trademark enforcement processes have been automated through the software program Pliano.He will describe the steps required to detect […]
February Cloud Meeting
"Hey friends, happy new year, another year in the clouds are ahead of us! 😄Come join us for a evening where we will talk about Google Cloud and what exciting […]
Javagruppens ordinære generalforsamling 2019
"Javagruppens ordinære generalforsamling bliver afholdt Tirsdag 5. februar 2019 kl 19.00 hos Lund & Bendsen, Naverland 2, 15. sal, 2600 Glostrup.Det er muligt at deltage via videoopkald (Skype) hvis man […]
Tech&Law Breakfast: AI as threat and opportunity for the global legal order
"Matthijs Maas is a PhD Fellow at the AI and Legal Disruption Research Group (Centre for International Law, Conflict and Crisis, University of Copenhagen), and a Research Affiliate with the Center for the […]
Azure Community Tour 2019 – Copenhagen
"The Danish Azure MVP´s are touring our great nation spreading Cloud Hygge in Aarhus, Odense and Copenhagen. Come join us in one of the 3 locations to learn, share and […]
Talent & Legal Workshop for Start-Ups / Copenhagen / Foundershouse
"Boom here it is! All things legal and talent related you need to know when starting up a business.This workshop is aimed at building startups which face the question of […]
Tools For Private Social Communication – DeCrypt
"From Gmail to Facebook messenger, we regularly trade away our privacy in order to connect socially with friends and family. Our correspondences are not only vulnerable to monitoring (and monetization) […]
Drinks with Data Scientists
"Join our first Drinks with Data Scientists!Enjoy this great opportunity to connect with your fellow Data Scientists, share knowledge, experiences and mainly have some fun with like-minded people. No speaker, […]
Når kunstig intelligens hjælper os med klimatilpasning
"Kom og hør om seneste nyt på vandteknologi- og klimatilpasningsfronten. Vi har tre spændende faglige indlæg på formiddagens program, som spænder fra brugen af kunstig intelligens i modellering af vand […]
PreSeed Academy – ToolTalk#1 – Marketing Automation
"We dedicate the first PreSeed Academy event of 2019 to Marketing Automation. We take a closer look at the processes and software behind automating marketing actions – from lead generation […]
PreSeed Academy – ToolTalk#1 – Marketing Automation
"We dedicate the first PreSeed Academy event of 2019 to Marketing Automation.We take a closer look at the processes and software behind automating marketing actions – from lead generation via […]
Cleaning up the data cleaning process + predicting Danish election outcomes
"Here's a little Christmas present: We're rebooting meetings in the CopenhagenR useRs group in the new year. We'll start with two very nice talks: First talk by Anne Helby Petersen:**Cleaning […]
Sitecore User Group Meetup – February 7th 2019
"Agenda1730 Food1815 Jesper Ravnsgaard, Copenhagen MistTopic: TBA1900 Break1915 Mark Cassidy, Cassidy ConsultTopic: 10x Your Sitecore Development2000 Drinks and Networking" Price: Free Link: https://www.meetup.com/Sitecore-User-Group-Denmark/events/258094441/
The present and the future of food
"Have you ever thought how your plate would look like in the far future? And what would that mean to our planet?Feeding the World and the impact of food production […]
VivaTech Tour in Copenhagen – Going corporate: what’s the good recipe?
"VivaTech, the world's rendezvous for startups and leaders is returning for a 4th edition in Paris on May 16-18, 2019. To kick off this upcoming VivaTech, the team is embarking on […]
AI & medier: Hvordan styrker vi vores demokratiske immunforsvar?
"Hvad betyder de nye teknologier for vores demokratiske immunforsvar?Program:0900 Velkommen til v. Ida Auken, MF RV0905 Den kommende valgkamps nye medielandskab v. Lisbeth Knudsen, Altinget/MandagMorgen0920 Demokratiet under digitalt angreb v. […]
AI Seminar: Deep latent variable models: estimation and missing data imputation
"Speaker: Jes Frellsen, Associate Professor at Computer Science Department, IT University of Copenhagen.Abstract: TBA" Price: Free Link: https://ai.ku.dk/events/ai-seminar-jes-frellsen/
Le Wagon Cph | Board Games & Beers
"💻 Code hard, play harder 🎲This is one for game lovers, beer drinkers and everyone curious about code!Come and join our current Le Wagon Copenhagen batch, alumni, and our friends […]