
AI Poster Expo
"Do you wonder if AI will take over the world? Learn more about the latest advancements in AI and see how you can contribute to shaping the future of humanity.Come […]
IDA AI x Nordic.AI Winter Edition
"Get technical insights into the cutting-edge Deep Learning work happening in Denmark. From research in neural networks solving reasoning tasks and deep latent variable models to building industry models that […]
LTUX Christmas Dinner
"It is Christmas time!And with a short notice, our next meetup is all about getting to know each other and network. So we are going to a nice dinner together.We […]
Gender diversity in start-up programs
"Bridging the gap - What can we do to bring more women in to our accelerator and entrepreneurship programs?Underrepresentation of women in entrepreneurship, economic leadership, and amongst investors is recognised […]
Robotten er din ven
"Robotterne og den kunstige intelligens er blevet malet på væggen som kommende grunde til massearbejdsløshed, men vi behøver slet ikke bange fortæller Manuela Veloso, førende forsker (fra J.P. Morgan AI […]
Comparing different ML approaches on the NY taxi dataset
"Mindified Christmas EditionThe machine learning field has an extensive set of algorithms and tools that you can apply on a specific problem. In order to see how some different machine […]
VivaTech Tour in Copenhagen – Going corporate: what’s the good recipe?
"VivaTech, the world's rendezvous for startups and leaders is returning for a 4th edition in Paris on May 16-18, 2019. To kick off this upcoming VivaTech, the team is embarking on […]
Introduction to Docker – 1 full day training (for IT students)
"We would like to offer any IT student to this one day course in Docker, free of charge. The only thing we need is for you to sign up (TBA) […]
Xmas EmpaTech Fika
"Hi everyone,We are slowly approaching holidays and since after our last event where we focused on Compassionate Cities you have shown an increased interest in having another Fika before the […]
Learn about Google Cloud Functions from Martin Omander
"Want to learn more about Google Cloud Functions? Martin Omander, Google Cloud Developer Advocate, will be joining us on the 20th December from California to speak about his experience with […]
LoRaWAN on Heltec ESP
"We will run through a LoRaWAN example and get some bits and bytes over the air. You will bring you Heltec board from the IDA Embedded workshop, you PC and […]
I’ve made the mistakes so that you don’t have to!!
"Darren Wilmshurst was an early adopter of SAFe in the UK becoming a SPC in October 2013 taught by Dean himself. Now as a SPCT Darren has launched numerous Agile […]
Elastic January meetup
"Come join us for the first Elastic meetup in 2019.For the first talk, we're proud to be joined by Tomas Della Vedova all the way from Italy. Tomas is the […]
Copenhagen Coding Noobs
"Copenhagen Coding Noobs #1Where to find us:Bastard Cafe Gin Bar (the smaller downstairs bar that is visible from Rådhusstræde) NOT the main cafe. What to expect:We will often start with […]
Cognitive Buildings – Hvor langt er vi kommet og mulighederne fremover
"Fremover mener fremtidsforskerne, at der bliver efterspørgsel på selvtænkende bygninger. For at nå dertil skal mange af de eksisterende data udnyttes. Kom med og hør om Cognitive Buildings og få […]
Copenhagen Cocoa January 2019 🚀
"Let's kick off 2019 with another round of Copenhagen Cocoa! We'll be at Nodes and we'll have three awesome talks. Let us know if you or someone you know would […]
Kick off 2019 with an international focus
"Discuss your needs concerning internationalisation with the Danish Innovation Centers.On 10 January 2019, advisors from Innovation Centre Denmark will visit DTU Science Park to discuss your needs when it comes […]
Employment Workshop – How to Find an English Speaking Position & Networking in DK
"Finding a job in Copenhagen is not always easy – especially if you don’t speak Danish.Following on from the huge success of 2 previous 6-week Employment Assistance workshops Karey-Anne, founder […]
Spotlight – the new stock market for growth companies
"Do you know Spotlight – the new stock market for growth companies?With the introduction of Spotlight Stock Market to the Danish market, IPO, stock market access and capital for growth […]
Experiment to innovate + Building the right product
"We know this meetup is a little later than usual but GOTO CPH (https://gotocph.com/) ends at 18:30 on Monday and we want to make sure folks attending the conference are […]