
SPBG ERFA møde omkring Office 365 og GDPR, opfølgning fra sidste år
"Kom til gratis SPOUG halvdags arrangement omkring Office 365 og GDPR, Tirsdag den 14. maj. Vi har inviteret Ole Kjeldsen fra Microsoft samt to kunder der fortæller deres erfaringer omkring […]
Benchmarking Digital Inclusion to Drive a Better Digital World
"Siteimprove, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, The Confederation of Danish Industry (DI) and The American Chamber of Commerce in Denmark, invite you to attend an exclusive event ‘Benchmarking […]
Trusting Invisibility: Building trust into what we can’t see
"Trust is changing. Our faith in established institutions is in decline and new technologies are emerging that will change how trust is facilitated and maintained in the digital age. As […]
Kotlin CPH @ Momondo
!Welcome to the third meetup of Kotlin Copenhagen 🎉 This event will be hosted at Momondo, who will also provide food and drinks. Please join us and all the other […]
WIFTI Talks – How to make the film industry more gender-balanced
"Come to the kick-off event of the brand new WIFTI Talks!Established by Women in Film & Television International, the WIFTI Talks are a series of live and online talks to […]
Breakfast Session with Experian
"Meet Experian and get inspired - Breakfast SessionHave a croissant with Experian and learn how you can leverage the data possibilities using Experian’s technology, innovation and know-how. Get insight into […]
Nordic Growth Hackers #14
"NGH#14 – Presented by SimpleSite:Are you growing a business? Do you want to share knowledge with the best brains in the industry? And do you want to contribute to the […]
ProductTank Copenhagen – World Product Day (@Maersk)
"ProductTank Copenhagen will visit Maersk on World Product Day (which basically just means a lot of ProductTanks happen at the same time). The theme will be Marty Cagan / Silicon […]
Knattra 2019
"Knattra 2019 in Deep Space.“The silicate and iron wars of Mercury has halted the dysonsphere development, raging global protests back home on earth. Energy and Oxygen levels low as ever, […]
The Intersection of UX & AI
"AI is here to stay, but there is a lot of misconceptions and disillusions we want to break down through this event. Simon Svankjær Morel is Partner & Head of […]
Hampleton & Kromann Reumert in Copenhagen: Tech M&A in the Nordics
"What opportunities do 2019 hold for your company in Copenhagen and the Nordics?Are you thinking about selling your company, but don’t know how?Is your company growing at a rapid rate […]
Breakfast Session with DLA Piper
"Incentive programs Incentive programs are used to retain and motivate employees in a company by giving the employees an opportunity to obtain part of the value creation and potentially also […]
Er der en leder tilstede? Distanceledelse og virtuelt samarbjede
"– sådan gør du afstandene kortere og sikrer effektivitet på tværs af arbejdsstederNutidens ledere og projektledere forventes at være nærværende og tæt på deres medarbejdere. Ikke kun for at lede […]
Greentech Challenge Investor Day Copenhagen 2019
"The Greentech Challenge Investor Day Copenhagen 2019 is hosted in collaboration with BloxHub, KPMG, Salesforce, Nordea, Grøn Bruun, Kemp & Kjær ApS, DLA Piper, E.ON, QVARTZ and AWA.Get a chance to:- Watch 12 pre-screened green […]
Zero To Kickstart: A Product-Making Experience
"Your product in a week. Ready to make it happen?What is ZTK?Zero To Kickstart is an event for creative people, designers and makers who want to test their skills and […]
Nordic iGEM Conference – Sustainable Development Hackathon
"Have you ever wondered what you could do to help tackle some of the challenges of our times? Come and join REBBLS to see how you could use your skills and […]
Infrastructure Automation with Puppet – DevOps Malmö
"Puppet's latest set of open source tools enables both an agentless task-based approach, as well as agent-based declarative approach to infrastructure automation. This session introduces you to Puppet Bolt, Puppet Server […]
Easy peasy massive parallel computing / R at scale on the Google Cloud Platform
Two exciting talks: Easy peasy massive parallel computing in Rby Mikkel KrogsholmWouldn’t it be nice to be able to write simple R-code that very simply scales to massive parallel computing?The […]
Become part of China’s innovation boom
"Are you an SME or a startup looking East for new growth opportunities? Come join us for a breakfast seminar on prospects and hands-on advice about the world’s soon-to-be largest […]
Video Production for entrepreneurs: Tools & Storytelling
"Are you struggling with making quality video content about your product or service? Would you like to learn how to easily create your own videos for your social media?Join our […]