
CluedIn, Google and IDA Present: Data Talks 2019
"Data Talks is an exclusive event where we are joined by speakers from NyKredit, TopDanmark, Nordea, Danske Bank, CluedIn and more as these companies guide the audience through becoming data […]
MyData – vil du selv bestemme over brugen af dine personoplysninger?
"MyData Danmark inviterer til Info-møde om Mydata. Vi arbejder for personers selvbestemmelse over deres personoplysninger og er med til at skabe næste generation af internettet med mennesket i centrum. Principperne […]
Workstream# 2: Digital Innovate Impact Investment
"Workstream# 2 Digital innovate impact investment: Impact investing is on the rise, but it is still less than one percent of all invested assets. This workstream discusses and design opportunities for […]
Workstream # 1: Blockchain towards investable local economies
"Workstream # 1 Blockchain towards investable local economies: This can help shift communities and local economies from dependent to investible and attract capital for example via digital community bonds for e.g. […]
"Forestil dig at du hele livet igennem har haft adgang til et alfabet bestående af blot fem bogstaver. Hvor mange forskellige ord eller ideer ville du kunne udtrykke? Hvor begrænset […]
Permissioned and Permissionless Blockchains and The Hyperledger Ecosystem
"After a long break, the first Hyperledger Copenhagen Meetup of the year is taking place on the 30th of April.Vikas Pandey, an active contributor to the Hyperledger community and a […]
April meet up (rescheduled, notice new date)
"Get ready for a mixed back of topics in this meetup kindly hosted by Corti.As usual there is room for more talks, project presentations, and everything Go related. Let me […]
Humanitrack Launch:One small step for you,one giant leap for Energy Storage
"Humanitrack.org is uniting DTU students and local experts to create a roadmap and global tech hub for guiding and accelerating progress.We’re making DTU the launch pad for humanitrack.org’s exciting first […]
Få styr på GDPR – og undgå bøder i millionklassen
"Få styr på GDPR - og undgå bøder Den 1. maj 2019 om morgenen er der igen fokus på GDPR. Denne gang om hvordan IT løsninger kan hjælpe med at blive […]
An iAngels Investor Breakfast in Copenhagen: AI, Innovation and the Global VC Shakeup
"iAngels is pleased to return to Copenhagen for a special event tailored for accredited investors, wealth managers and financial advisors. During the investor breakfast , Shai Bronstein Regev, iAngels VP […]
Burgers and Beers – after infosecurity Denmark 2019!
"No artificial intelligence, no machine learning, just burgers and beers for those of you that are attending infosecurity Denmark!We welcome all cyber enthusiasts and infosecurity professionals to a networking meetup, […]
Medical humanities: Contributions, new approaches and future pathways
"The Novo Nordisk Foundation offers funding for one-day symposia to be held at the Novo Nordisk Foundation. The objective is to provide leading as well as younger researchers with opportunities to […]
The Future of Medical Device Software in Europe
"May 26th, 2020 is the Date of Application for the new EU Medical Device Regulation and it is approaching fast!If you are working with Medical Device Software or health apps, […]
The Future of HR – Talent Garden Mornings x HRTechX
"With abundant opportunities, the talent pool of today can go anywhere. At this morning session, co-hosted by Talent Garden and HRTechX we ask: How do you move from keeping your […]
These Are Your New KPI’s
"KPI’s have a troubled reputation. They can be as unwished for as an additional report sheet. As out of touch as last year’s vision statement.But they really don’t have to […]
Vækstfondens årsmøde
This is a primetime networking event. And it's free."Verden omkring os er i hastig forandring. Nye teknologier, nye globale politiske dagsordner, nye forretningsmodeller, nye veje til kapital og nye partnerskaber […]
“WTF is XYZ doing in Life sciences”
"Talks on four different career paths in life science to understand their motivation, what they do everyday and how to approach them.Life science is full of opportunities, which is both […]
DataViz Meetup
"Join us for our first event!The first part of the meetup will consist of 3 short talks covering a data visualisation use case, tools and creative coding. The final hour […]
Data Driven Business – Elastic & Findwise Morning Seminar
"Ever wondered how your organisation could benefit from data analysis and use data to actively boost your business?Join Elastic- and Findwise’s morning seminar on the 3rd of May and learn […]
Let’s shape the future of IoT together
"We're thrilled to launch our new Nordic IoT Accelerator and would like to invite you and other leading players in the IoT ecosystem for an exclusive session on how we […]