
Hooked // CPHUX Book Club
"Come and read 'Hooked' with us. Events overview:Feb 27th // Chapter 1-2 // 1-60Mar 13th // Chapter 3 // 61-94Mar 27th // Chapter 4 // 95-134Apr 10th // Chapter 5-6 // […]
Game Developer Meetup
"Hello game developers and friends!Welcome to our spring edition of the GAME DEVELOPER MEETUP!An evening where we invite everyone from our game developer community to gather in one space to […]
Urban Challenge Conference
"The Urban Challenge Conference will be a day to showcase the results of the Urban Challenge program supported by inspiring talks.From urban mobility to carbon emissions, today’s global challenges demand […]
MakeImpact Day ’19
"MakeImpact would like to invite all Impact enthusiasts like yourself for MakeImpact Day 2019.It will be an event that combines networking and insight sharing on market trends and challenges within […]
Cloud Native Architecture at scale and a Fairytale of Databases
"Hi Cloud Native folks!This time it's all about Cloud Native Architecture and Databases.Join us as Søren Mathiasen presents Tradeshift's story about their journey towards creating an open source project, and […]
Kunstig intelligens: På vej mod apokalypsen?
"Are computers becoming smarter than us? And are we humans, as a consequence, in real danger of being destroyed by them? Join us for this The Danish Science Festival event […]
Startup Dojo
"There’s never been a better time to get startedDo you have a great business idea but don’t know how to take it to the next level?Come and talk with experienced […]
The Future of Tech & Politics: Imagining 2050
"Are you curious about how technology is changing society? Do you wonder who will hold power in the future? And do you have practical ideas that could be solutions to future political […]
Strukturerad data i webbprojekt: gör och gör inte
"Om du bygger en sajt eller en webapp så finns du på alla sökmotorer, och alla röstuppläsare kan läsa det felfritt, eller hur?Nja, vi vet alla att det inte är […]
CPH – Legal Tech Panel Sessions – by Nordic Legal Tech
"Our Panel Sessions match legal tech providers and ideas with legal experts and startup people.Tech providers: showcase your product or idea and engage in depth with potential customers and stakeholders.This event […]
IT-konference: Data Talks 2019
"Learn how companies within Finance and Pension use data in their business and organisation when CluedIn, IDA Design and Innovation and Google invites to this 3rd session of Data Talks.Program0830 […]
CluedIn, Google and IDA Present: Data Talks 2019
"Data Talks is an exclusive event where we are joined by speakers from NyKredit, TopDanmark, Nordea, Danske Bank, CluedIn and more as these companies guide the audience through becoming data […]
MyData – vil du selv bestemme over brugen af dine personoplysninger?
"MyData Danmark inviterer til Info-møde om Mydata. Vi arbejder for personers selvbestemmelse over deres personoplysninger og er med til at skabe næste generation af internettet med mennesket i centrum. Principperne […]
Workstream# 2: Digital Innovate Impact Investment
"Workstream# 2 Digital innovate impact investment: Impact investing is on the rise, but it is still less than one percent of all invested assets. This workstream discusses and design opportunities for […]
Workstream # 1: Blockchain towards investable local economies
"Workstream # 1 Blockchain towards investable local economies: This can help shift communities and local economies from dependent to investible and attract capital for example via digital community bonds for e.g. […]
"Forestil dig at du hele livet igennem har haft adgang til et alfabet bestående af blot fem bogstaver. Hvor mange forskellige ord eller ideer ville du kunne udtrykke? Hvor begrænset […]
Permissioned and Permissionless Blockchains and The Hyperledger Ecosystem
"After a long break, the first Hyperledger Copenhagen Meetup of the year is taking place on the 30th of April.Vikas Pandey, an active contributor to the Hyperledger community and a […]
April meet up (rescheduled, notice new date)
"Get ready for a mixed back of topics in this meetup kindly hosted by Corti.As usual there is room for more talks, project presentations, and everything Go related. Let me […]
Humanitrack Launch:One small step for you,one giant leap for Energy Storage
"Humanitrack.org is uniting DTU students and local experts to create a roadmap and global tech hub for guiding and accelerating progress.We’re making DTU the launch pad for humanitrack.org’s exciting first […]
Få styr på GDPR – og undgå bøder i millionklassen
"Få styr på GDPR - og undgå bøder Den 1. maj 2019 om morgenen er der igen fokus på GDPR. Denne gang om hvordan IT løsninger kan hjælpe med at blive […]