
CBS – startups pitch internships and student jobs
"We will repeat the famous event: 50 startups will pitch 200 student-jobs and internships in front of 1200 students at CBS (the event is open for all, you don't need […]
Light Space:Textile Illumination – Seminar
"With textiles as substrate, this symposium explores how new lighting technologies can become part of architectural design practice as a means of supporting more resilient ways of living.The interplay between […]
Nordic Female Investor Meetup
"As the Nordic tech scene continues to grow, gender diversity in the field is at a standstill. We need more female investors, and we need more women to realise that […]
Talk by Mark Daibhidh Anderson: Increasing NLP parsing efficiency with chunking
Abstract:The goal of the Fastparse project is to develop NLP parsers withspeeds suitable for large-scale analyses without forsaking accuracy.A ‘Chunk-and-pass’ parsing technique influenced by a psycholingusitic model, where linguistic information […]
Kick-off-møde i KBH om sparring til vækst
"Sparringspartnerne tilbyder 20 timers gratis sparring til SMV’er og iværksættere med synlige vækstpotentialer. Sparringen gives af erfarne erhvervsledere, som ved, hvordan man udvikler og driver virksomheder. De har selv gjort […]
Exploring the Future of Self-Driving Cars
"SPACE10 invites you to an evening exploring the future of self-driving cars and our upcoming Playful Research project, Spaces on Wheels. Self-driving cars have long been the stuff of science […]
Bliv klogere på Smart City i kommunerne
"Teracom inviterer til en formiddag om de nye muligheder for at effektivisere arbejdsgange og skabe værdi på nye områder med Internet of Things (IoT) og Smart City-løsninger.IoT og Smart City […]
Lets Meetup and build web and mobile apps using a low code approach
"Learn how to design and develop software fast and with minimal hand-coding using low-code tooling. Low Code is an enabler for agile development, where developers can use Low Code tooling […]
FIFA2018 PowerBI DataModelling
"Please call +45 9163 4228 if you have any questions.The event will be held on the 3rd floor in the IT roomWe will focus on:1) Data sources to build up such […]
Creative Problem Solving using Design Thinking and LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®
"Creativity is a problem solving skill, used to come up with ideas for solving problems in new and useful ways. It can be applied in any domain, among others New […]
Peer Lab – 2018, 5th Event
"Come and join other developers for a peer-based collaborative learning lab. You've got a question? Maybe someone can provide you with some insight. Maybe you can help someone else with […]
AI & Creativity
"What will happen in art and architecture, engineering and entertainment, as artificial creativity competes with us, complements us, and surpasses us? To register please send a mail to kia@ilab.dk" Price: Free […]
Using Jobs to Guide Strategy and Design
"#JTBD·CPH — Meetup #4 Program1720 Mads Kristensen, Partner at FURTHER (https://twitter.com/madsjvk) How do you make Jobs operational in a corporate setting? What is the potential, and how do you go […]
Data Science Meetup by RecdoTech
"Since our first meetup in Berlin in September 2017, RecDoTech has hosted IT professionals at 15 different meetup’s across two continents, with fascinating talks by Data professionals from top business […]
Hygge Hacking – REBOOT
"t's been years since we've had a Node.js event and it's about time to get this group started again. The format is that we meet at Elastic office and hack […]
"TechBBQ is a two-day international tech-startup summit by and for the startup community. Every year a dedicated team works tirelessly to link entrepreneurs with the world, providing startup ecosystems with […]
Information meeting on the Horizon2020 ICT programme 2019-2020
"Are you working with future’s technologies in areas such as big data, artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, electronics or cyber security? And would you like ideas on how to couple […]
Talk by David Vilares: Constituent Parsing as Sequence Labeling
"Abstract: In this talk, I will introduce a method to reduce constituent parsing to sequence labeling. For each word w_t, it generates a label that encodes: (1) the number of […]
News in Laravel 5.7. and Laravel Nova
"At the next Artisans/Laravel Meetup we will summarise Laracon EU, and Laracon US, the best presentations and a word from people who were present.We will walk through changes and news […]
IXDD – Malmö 2018 Joint Event
"Hej :-) Let's meet up at Zenit Design office in Malmö to celebrate World Interaction Design Day together! https://interactiondesignday.org/event/ixdd-malmo-2018-joint-event/ We plan to have a diversity of different UX topics and prototyping […]