
MandagsTalk: Blurred Reality med Khora
""Blurred Reality" er et udtryk for fremtidens kombination af teknologier som Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT) og Virtual- samt Augmented Reality (VR/AR).Disse tre teknologier bliver grundstenene i fremtidens […]
Istio Service Mesh – Hands on primer
"The term service mesh is used to describe the network of microservices that make up such applications and the interactions between them. As a service mesh grows in size and […]
Copenhagen School of Entrepreneurship – Go Grow DEMO DAY
"Get your FREE tickets here: https://go-grow.dk/demo-day/The Go Grow accelerator and Digital Growth Path is yet again hosting Demo Day, this time for our 7th batch!During the Demo Day, 14 Go […]
Legal Tech: Data Protection, AI and compliance by technical means
"GOTO Nights welcomes you to a meetup of Legal tech. We look forward to seeing you.Agenda- 1700 Doors open- 1720 Welcome by GOTO CPH- 1730 Talk 1 - GDPR, big […]
Build your first blockchain app with JS & Ethereum
"We will look at how to create blockchain applications with Ethereum. We will give a how to get started with cryptocurrency and the tools you need to make your own […]
Breakfast Seminar: Grants
"Interested in free money? Soft funding is an undeniably attractive offer for any startup, but it can often be difficult to figure out what grants are relevant and how to […]
Community Breakfast with Artboost
"Art is about moving people, and that most definitely shouldn't be a privilege for the few.”Anders Cederholm has long had a passion for art, but found the inaccessibility and elitism […]
tretton37 Code Lunch Lund: Fantastic image filters – and how to code them
"Do you enjoy photography, image editing or simply taking selfies for your social media accounts? Have you ever wondered how all the cool image filters actually work and even wish […]
Human & Legal Entrepreneurship: Understanding Your Project – Human & Legal Entrepreneurship
"We focus on understanding your project and will be both hands-on getting started and about realizing the project of your business or idea - or how you make it all happen!Welcome […]
⚛️ March meetup! ✨
"This month Trustpilot is generously hosting us! ❤️Food will be served as soon as the doors open this time around, so make sure to be there on time if you […]
Intro to Figma Design | Turn ideas in to products
"This is a FREE workshop on how to define a product from just an idea and how to get started with your first prototype in Figma design tool.Together we will […]
Can you download the whole Instagram?
"How would you feel if your boss asks: Can you download the whole Instagram? We will tell you the story of an adventurous journey.From using test automation tools to fool […]
Create The UX Your Customers Deserve
"At this morning session, we look at the structures of beautiful user experiences and why they should be on your business agenda for 2019. We also introduce you to some […]
Cloud Native workshop – From zero to full speed with Kubernetes – Morning
"Join this workshop and get started with Cloud Native. We are going to deploy an application from scratch to Google Cloud Kubernetes Engine and learn best practices. Kubernetes is right […]
Smarter work: How not to burn out in 2019
"Innovation work is fun, inspiring and packed with variety. But are we doing it wrong? We put a critical eye on some of the most celebrated methodologies for new business. […]
Trendspaning – Inbound Marketing, med Camilla Agardh (21/3)
"Camilla Agardh, VD på Invise, är en ledande expert inom Inbound Marketing.På denna trendspaning berättar Camilla om varför Inbound Marketing är ett självklart val för alla företag och organisationer som […]
Konference: Klar til digital transformation
"I dag står dansk erhvervsliv og uddannelsesinstitutioner på tærsklen til ’den fjerde industrielle revolution’, der er drevet af den hastige digitale og teknologiske udvikling. Nye teknologier som Internet of Things, […]
SheTech Coding Club
""SheTech:The Coding club" is back again. WonderCoders and Symbion are happy to welcome you for an evening of coding and fun.SheTech:The Coding Club is where beginners in programming as well […]
Food Solutions Challenge at Copenhagen Business School
"Learn about the cold storage supply chain in sub-Saharan Africa. We will talk about food loss, the impact of refrigeration on climate change and the need to feed a growing […]
Quiz Night – Malmö C++ User Group
"The Malmö C++ User Group is finishing its first year with a Quiz Night!We will create a teams and try to answer as many C++ related questions as possible. Anything […]