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Meetup #13: Unity Animation Rigging Tools ( Free @ Unity HQ)

"Join us for the next Unity meetup at the Unity HQ and hear from Unity's evangelist André Cardoso about Animation Rigging tools.Want to be a speaker at our next meetup? Let us know.Food and DrinksThis meetup will have pizza and drinks. Please answer the survey when you RSVP to let us know about your dietary […]

tretton37 Code Lunch: Mind bending performance – improving beyond tech

"An autonomous software development team needs to maintain a backlog, refine it, develop features, test, secure, verify, release and deploy. We need to make our apps accessible, stable, secure and.... fast.We'll explore habits that will help you build a strong performance culture in an already jam-packed processes. By tweaking our minds and thinking a bit […]

Nordic Sports Tech and Network (in Copenhagen)

"Nordic Sports Tech is a community that focuses on connecting the Sports Tech ecosystem in the Nordic region. Come network and chat sports!It` s time for first of many meetups during 2020 among the Nordic Sports Tech community!Nordic Sports Tech and Network is.....an evening where we invite everyone from our Sports Tech community to gather […]

Ruby Talks Night at Karnov

"A string of talks for you interpolated with food, drinks and friendly conversation.Speakers:????We are always looking for speakers! Get in touch with us!Good to know: We operate under the Berlin Code of Conduct http://berlincodeofconduct.org" Price: Free Link: https://www.meetup.com/Copenhagen-Ruby-Brigade/events/267159233/

Mentor-träff inför Lärarkodstugan

"Välkommen till Mentor-träff för att lära lärare lära barn programmera.Vi kommer att använda oss av ett kursmaterial som är framtagit av Kodcentrum https://www.kodboken.se/l%C3%A4rarkodstugaMaterialet är anpassat för lärare i årskurs 4-6.Vi kommer att genomföra denna kursen tillsammans med CoderDojo Lund som genomförde denna kursen i höstas.Utbildningen av lärare, Lärarkodstugen, kommer att påbörjas den 4 mars..." Price: Free […]

Sketching User Experiences (Part 1/4) // CPHUX Book Club

"Instead of reading a full book we're dividing it into chapters, we'll cover around 100 pages per event. This makes it more do-able (for some) to get through the book.Depending on the book, we can do try to do methods or tangible exercises, "Learning by doing".To attend this event it is required that you've read […]

Game Developer Meetup

"Happy New Year, Happy New Decade everyone!Let's kick-off 2020 with our Gamd Developer Meetup!An evening where we invite everyone from our Game Developer Community to gather in one space to connect, inspire, exchange ideas and have a great time together.Join Game Habitat and the wonderful Malmö Game Dev Community for our traditional Dev Meetup at  Grand Öl & Mat!As usual, […]

How to turn the post cookie era into a competitive advantage

"This event focuses on the next era of analytics (post ITP, GDPR, CCPA and Ad blockers): Challenges, complexities and - yes - opportunities!We're getting a lot of questions pertaining to the recent privacy regulations and trends  (ITP, GDPR, CCPA and Ad blockers). It is clear that the future of digital marketing (analytics) entails access to […]

Sådan bør du drive din SMV i 2020

"Hvorfor ikke lade 2020 være året, hvor du totaloptimerer dine driftsprocesser? Vi har værktøjerne - alt du skal gøre er at dukke op.Så er 2020 officielt skudt igang. Ganske som alle andre år er januar tit symbol på “en frisk start” og nye mål for det kommende år. Januar 2020 er bestemt ingen undtagelse, så […]

SME Lifehacks #1

"Hvorfor ikke lade 2020 være året, hvor du totaloptimerer dine driftsprocesser? Vi har værktøjerne - alt du skal gøre er at dukke op.Så er 2020 officielt skudt igang. Ganske som alle andre år er januar tit symbol på “en frisk start” og nye mål for det kommende år. Januar 2020 er bestemt ingen undtagelse, så […]

Do we need to control AI – if so how much?

"A while back we debated together with Barrel Monkey AI whether AI should be regulated or not and who should hold the power to control AI. Our results were clear, “no one” was the option we voted for. Let’s see what has happened since then and enjoy an update by Björn Preuss.The presentation will be […]

Copenhagen Investment Showcase

"We are inviting you to join our Copenhagen investment showcase! In the last events, we showcased more than 15 companies from 6 different countries, raising funds from all over the world!We will provide some light food and drinks, and make sure to give you time to get up-close and personal with the founders and investors […]

AI Monday

"AI Monday Copenhagen is a recurring new networking event with 4 expert presentations for people interested in AI.In early 2000 curious minds met regularly on Monday afternoons in Helsinki to discuss “mobile business use cases”, in Berlin it was about “location based services”. In 2017 the founders of Taival built on that Monday tradition, this […]

TEDxCopenhagen: What the **** will my future look like?

"Are you just as anxious as us about what our future will hold? Change is upon us and we are currently experiencing a massive disruption in the way we work. Globalization, technological progress, demographics and cultural change, stress, anxiety, and educational methods have put the future of work in a state of flux. As students […]

Cyberhack – Talentfair

"Organizations need to constantly improve their cybersecurity capabilities, and grow new talents. That’s why we are hosting this talentfair.The talentfair wants to inspire you on which skills the future cyber security profile shall hold, and which task you will work on if you hold a position in the companies.And of course, we also want you […]

Urbantech 2020 Launch Event

"It is time for year 2 in the Urbantech Program. We’re opening for applications 18 February and to mark that with a bang we’re inviting you to come join us for a beverage. You’ll meet some interesting people from across the ecosystem. And for the competitively minded there’ll be round one of the Urbantech World […]

Sitecore User Group Denmark (SUGDK)

"In this workshop we will take a closer look at Docker for Sitecore. The workshop will contain presentation and exercises.Tentative agenda!- Presentation: Sitecore loves containers- Exercise: Setup local solution- Break- Presentation: How to setup local deployment- Exercise: Setup solution local continued- Wrap up- Q&A- DrinksThere will be pre-requisites for the workshop. Please follow SugDK for […]

Internet of Brain

"Internet of Brain (IoB) is here: a global set of protocols and agreements will connect our brains to digital services online as well as to other brains, triggering the next communication revolution.Like it happened for Internet, the project has been prototyped by the army, some universities has been involved as well as some tech giants. […]

Enterprise digital transformation with Azure DevOps Services

"Welcome to another evening with learnings from real life cases using innovative Azure technologies! We have a special guest that is everyday working with a really hot topic, Digital Transformation and DevOps.Sharing main takeaways from migrating dozens silosed software development lifecycles into one unified platform, implementing basic DevOps patterns to solve human resources and technical […]

ML at scale – Real-time predictions using distributed stream processing

"We will focus on fast processing of big data sets, and how that is particularly important when it comes to live applications that use a trained ML model.Agenda:1730 Grab a drink and some pizza. **Yes, there will be pizza this time.**1800 Talk & demo by Marko @ Hazelcast JetHow to make a trained prediction model […]