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Tableau Workshop with Inviso

"Wanna get introduced and familiar with the market leading data visualization tool? Then join us on the 14th of November.In 2020 the world will generate 50 times the amount of data as it did in 2011. This enormous increase in data possess several new opportunities and advancements for business across all sectors, however more important […]

PreSeed Academy #16: Go-to-Market tactics in B2B – hunting mice or elephant

"This talk helps B2B startups figure out whether to sell to SMEs or enterprises and accordingly find the right distribution strategies.Building a succesful go-to market plan in a B2B startup is not just radically different from B2C startups, but also radically different and complex within various types of B2B businesses. You need to consider, test […]

Introduction to Agile and Scrum

"Agile and Scrum are two very popular working methods and very commonly used words. However, not everyone is aware of their meaning and on how they can be used and implemented in everyday project management. The agile certified practitioner Sajith Pillai will guide us on meaning, use and working examples of both Agile and Scrum.Speaker: Sajith […]

HACK4DK 2019

"Vær med til at hacke den danske kulturarv til HACK4DK 2019.Er du programmør, designer eller arbejder du inden for kultur- og museumsverdenen? Eller interesserer du dig blot for kulturinstitutionernes kulturarv(sdata)? Så kom med til HACK4DK 2019!Vi søger kreative, nysgerrige og idérige mennesker med hang til digital udvikling og kulturarv, der vil være med til at […]

WomenHackCPH – Hackathon for women

"The future lies within your hands! Come and join us for a two day women hackathon event!We are putting together a first of its kind Hackathon for Women in Copenhagen, to immerse in the power of coding and come up with creative solutions for everyday and business problems. Our goal is to empower women to […]

Datadrevet iværksætteri: Fremtidens grønne løsninger skal bygges på data

"Hvordan kan data hjælpe med at bygge en forretningsidé eller tilføje værdi til din virksomhed? Og hvordan får man adgang til data i praksis?Der vil være oplæg fra DMI, Danmarks Miljøportal og Erhvervsstyrelsen med særligt fokus på, hvordan data kan benyttes til at skabe nye grønne forretningsmodeller. Til mødet er der plads til spørgsmål og […]

Essentials of Manipulating data in R with dplyr

"Have a dataset but not sure how to go about handling and analyzing it? Need to transform variables? Only want to select rows that start with a certain letter or number? Or need to look at specific columns only?Know a lot about base R functions but are eager to expand your skills? Or wondering about […]

Women’s Entrepreneurship Day 2019

"If we unintentionally can create structures for inequality, then we intentionally can create structures for equality. This is where we unlock untapped potential.Welcome: Highlighting the economic and innovative business potential for Denmark.Mythbusting & Facts: Are our decisions based on facts or presumptions and myths? Presentation of the latest data and research.Founders Journey: Hear the story of […]

Sparkling Startups – Årets bedste kvindelige start-up event!

"I anledning af Women’s Entrepreneurship Day inviterer NJORD Law Firms partnere Malene Fagerberg og Therèse Kemp til Sparkling Startups.Eventet er kun for kvinder. Det foregår i hjertet af København på toppen af NJORD Law Firm, og du kan se frem til at møde inspirerende karrierekvinder, der fortæller deres historier om, hvordan de har fået succes […]

November 2019 Powerbi meeting

"November meeting is now scheduled. Abakion has offered to make room for us again. The schedule will be:1. Announcements from MS Ignite - Erik Svensen2. From Self-Service to Enterprise Power BI in five easy steps - Just Blindbæk3. X-Mas surprise 🎄Looking forward to another PowerFull meeting." Price: Free Link: https://www.meetup.com/Denmark-Powerbi-User-Group/events/264952320/

Kubernetes Architecture 101

"Kubernetes (k8s) is the most popular container orchestration system. Every day tons of new k8s clusters are created and new k8s practitioners are born. Unfortunately, the excitement of getting straight to the practice usually comes together with a lack of a clear understanding of the k8s architecture, which is very helpful at the beginning of […]

Customer Success Meetup @Siteimprove

"Following a well attended Meetup at Pleo, it's time for another Meetup at Siteimprove.This evening we plan to break in to several tracks where you'll get to join two separate tracks.Suggested Tracks:1. Segmentation/Risk Identification2. Managing Multiple Markets3. Processes/Automation4. Measurements/Reporting1730 Arrival, drinks and catch ups1800 Introduction from Siteimprove1810 Current Trends in CS by Dave Blake (CEO […]

UX Perspectives on FinTech

"FinTech aka Financial Technologies is an industry blooming. 6 talented designers were asked to share their perspectives on UX in Fintech.There's a 100 DKK NO-SHOW FEE.FinTech is happening right now, more and more startups are popping up, older companies are taking the UX of their products serious, but what does it mean?We brought together these […]

Go 10 Year Anniversary

"It has been a decade of Go. November 2009 Google released Go as an open source language.We celebrate this with a meetup with talks, and if there is interest we can continue the celebration at a nearby establishment afterwards.Danske Bank kindly provides a place for us to meet up and offers beer, pizza and soda. […]

BioInnovation Institute DemoDay @ Hotel Cecil

"Join the BII DemoDay, where we will showcase our third BAA cohort of promising life science start-ups.Since the beginning of September, the seven Business Acceleration Academy (BAA) start-ups have worked intensely on developing a solid business plan. The projects not only aim to raise investments, but also seek to expand their network and find expertise […]

Cryptography is your friend: a hands-on workshop with OpenPGP

"Cryptography, or the art to exchange secret messages in the presence of third parties, can be both amazing and intimidating – on the one hand, it is omnipresent in the digital world and the cornerstone to many of our daily online activities. Without it, digital bank transfers, online privacy or e-commerce would be unthinkable. On […]

Kan tech-giganterne reguleres?

"Kom og diskuter hvorvidt tech-giganter kan reguleres, sammen med 3 juridiske eksperter og professor i filosofi Vincent Hendricks.Det ser ud til at FAANG (Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix og Google) er kommet for at blive, og de fleste bruger en eller flere af disse hver dag. Men ved vi nok om hvordan vi skal håndtere disse […]

CopenhagenJS November

"Schedule1700 Doors open1745 Welcome1800 Typescript: Mapped & Conditional Types - Pavel Kučera1825 JS Open mic1830 Break - food and drinks1900 Proxy: how to make users of your library love you - Radoslaw Medryk1925 Using JavaScript to buy a house - Benjamin Hughes1950 Group photo1955 Raffle.js2000 Socializing - meet the community2100 See you next time!* Something […]

Why your agile scaling doesn´t work, a talk by Cesario Ramos.

"Cesario Ramos guides large scale agile adoptions and training worldwide. In 2010 he founded AgiliX (agilix.nl), an international network organisation.Cesario wrote numerous papers on agile development and the book ‘EMERGENT – Lean & Agile adoption for an innovative workplace’ and co-author with Jeff Sutherland, James Coplien et al of the book 'A Scrum Book'.He is […]

Coding the New Internet: a Decentralised and Autonomous Network

"Do you want to learn about or build on the world’s first autonomous network and decentralized internet? Then the SAFE Network: Malmö Meetup is where you want to be.MaidSafe has been building this network to provide Secure Access For Everyone. In May 2018, MaidSafe revealed PARSEC: the revolutionary, highly efficient and asynchronous mechanism that enables […]