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Computational Workshop in Single Cell Data Analysis

"The workshop aims to provide an overview of computational methods available for single cell data analysis.Get an overview and discuss pros and cons for various computational methods designed for:- data quality control- embedding and clustering of single cell data- merging multiple single cell datasetsWe'll discuss computational methods that can be used for cataloging cell types in […]

The Shape of Things to Come – The Things Network Copenhagen Meetup 2019

"1400 - 1600 with open networking at ScrollBar1600 - ....It's been some time ... since our 1st Hackathon in 2017 ....Whether you are all new to this, or already part of the community,whether your interest is technical or business or both or something else -We would like to invite you to talks and discussions, about […]

Oplev Membership-området i Symbion startup-miljø

"Do you want to be part of a community of like-minded innovative startups and growth companies? And are you often on the move, so that a flexible work space with the opportunity to work from four different locations distributed around Copenhagen is the best work solution for you?Then come and experience the Membership area with […]

Entrepreneur talk: What it’s like to start your own business

"What is it like to start your own business?Come find out on Friday the 10th of March! Perhaps you are a student, you have an idea for a business or you have already started your own company. Either way you are welcome!Brooklyn Brewery will kindly sponsor some cold beers for the networking part and Diction […]

Learn from the best: Marie-Louise Bjerg fra Mountain Top Industries

"Hør historien bag Mountain Top Industries, der ni år i træk er kåret som Gazelle virksomhed. Hør, hvordan fokus på produktudvikling, kvalitet og effektivitet i alle processer har medvirket til den enorme vækst, som virksomheden oplevede på kun 10 år.Sidste år solgte Marie-Louise og Lars Bjerg aktiemajoriteten af deres ejer-ledede virksomhed til kapitalfonden Axcel – […]

Digital Marketing

"Vil du have større effekt af din digitale marketingindsats? På seminaret om digital markedsføring får du indblik i, hvordan du med det rigtige mix af digitale platforme, relevant kommunikation og den mest effektive timing, sikrer en systematisk bearbejdning af dine kunder og potentielle kunder, indtil de føler sig klar til at købe. Du vil være […]

SPBG ERFA møde omkring Office 365 og GDPR, opfølgning fra sidste år

"Kom til gratis SPOUG halvdags arrangement omkring Office 365 og GDPR, Tirsdag den 14. maj. Vi har inviteret Ole Kjeldsen fra Microsoft samt to kunder der fortæller deres erfaringer omkring Office 365 og GDPR. Ole vil give en opdatering for det seneste årstid og hvad som sker fremadrettet på Office 365 og lovgivningen. Det første […]

Benchmarking Digital Inclusion to Drive a Better Digital World

"Siteimprove, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, The Confederation of Danish Industry (DI) and The American Chamber of Commerce in Denmark, invite you to attend an exclusive event ‘Benchmarking Digital Inclusion to Drive a Better Digital World’ on May 14th 2019 at the IDA Conference Building.Over a billion people, approximately 15% of the world’s […]

Trusting Invisibility: Building trust into what we can’t see

"Trust is changing. Our faith in established institutions is in decline and new technologies are emerging that will change how trust is facilitated and maintained in the digital age. As interfaces are disappearing in a world obsessed with seamless interactions, we’ll need to be able to trust all the invisible decisions being made for us, […]

Kotlin CPH @ Momondo

!Welcome to the third meetup of Kotlin Copenhagen 🎉 This event will be hosted at Momondo, who will also provide food and drinks. Please join us and all the other Kotliners in Copenhagen.⏰ AGENDA• (17:45) Doors open (Food and drinks are served)• (18:15) Welcome and Introductions• (18:30) TALK DSLs in Kotlin by Zahid Rasheed• (19:15) […]

WIFTI Talks – How to make the film industry more gender-balanced

"Come to the kick-off event of the brand new WIFTI Talks!Established by Women in Film & Television International, the WIFTI Talks are a series of live and online talks to crack the nut of how to make the film industry more gender-balanced. With international scholars from the gender, media and film studies field, we gather […]

Breakfast Session with Experian

"Meet Experian and get inspired - Breakfast SessionHave a croissant with Experian and learn how you can leverage the data possibilities using Experian’s technology, innovation and know-how.  Get insight into Experian’s ongoing collaboration with Fintech startups and how our data driven approach is driving our innovation in all aspects of our business across our product […]

Nordic Growth Hackers #14

"NGH#14 – Presented by SimpleSite:Are you growing a business? Do you want to share knowledge with the best brains in the industry? And do you want to contribute to the growth of Nordic startups? Nordic Growth Hackers #14 brings you a handful of experienced entrepreneurs who will present their best growth hacks, so stay tuned […]

ProductTank Copenhagen – World Product Day (@Maersk)

"ProductTank Copenhagen will visit Maersk on World Product Day (which basically just means a lot of ProductTanks happen at the same time). The theme will be Marty Cagan / Silicon Valley learnings and a panel discussion of roadmaps. You will have the opportunity to meet up with well-known and new product managers, and learn about […]

Knattra 2019

"Knattra 2019 in Deep Space.“The silicate and iron wars of Mercury has halted the dysonsphere development, raging global protests back home on earth. Energy and Oxygen levels low as ever, plants and wildlife has reportedly not been having a good time fighting off the co2 clans of northern Ameriasia, who has been burning crops to […]

The Intersection of UX & AI

"AI is here to stay, but there is a lot of misconceptions and disillusions we want to break down through this event. Simon Svankjær Morel is Partner & Head of Conversational AI at BotSupply and he'll try to enlighten us on the crossover of AI & UX. Both in a general perspective, i.e. how we […]

Hampleton & Kromann Reumert in Copenhagen: Tech M&A in the Nordics

"What opportunities do 2019 hold for your company in Copenhagen and the Nordics?Are you thinking about selling your company, but don’t know how?Is your company growing at a rapid rate and you don't know what's in store next?Are you driving a successful, fast-growing business that needs to acquire the best tech, maintain your competitive edge, […]

Breakfast Session with DLA Piper

"Incentive programs Incentive programs are used to retain and motivate employees in a company by giving the employees an opportunity to obtain part of the value creation and potentially also to become co-owners of the company.The session will have focus on employment, tax and corporate law questions in connection with establishment and utilization of incentive […]

Er der en leder tilstede? Distanceledelse og virtuelt samarbjede

"– sådan gør du afstandene kortere og sikrer effektivitet på tværs af arbejdsstederNutidens ledere og projektledere forventes at være nærværende og tæt på deres medarbejdere. Ikke kun for at lede opgaveløsningen, men for at udvikle og motivere sine folk, samt sikre fælles retning og alignment. Dette er kun blevet vigtigere i de seneste år, hvor […]

Greentech Challenge Investor Day Copenhagen 2019

"The Greentech Challenge Investor Day Copenhagen 2019 is hosted in collaboration with BloxHub, KPMG, Salesforce, Nordea, Grøn Bruun, Kemp & Kjær ApS, DLA Piper, E.ON, QVARTZ and AWA.Get a chance to:- Watch 12 pre-screened green startups pitch for investment ranging between EUR 100K - EUR 5m- Network with investors, top industry people and the green startups of tomorrow Agenda1330 Welcome […]