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Vælg Den Rigtige Virksomhedsform

"Workshoppen gennemgår en konkrete problemstillinger, hvor deltagerne kan byde ind med løsninger. Der tages udgangspunkt i de problemstillinger, som deltagerne selv har oplevet.Workshoppen kommer rundt om:Valg af selskabsformOptagelse af medejere herunder investorerEjeraftalerEfter workshoppen har du en en basisviden og en række værktøjer, som klæder dig på til at træffe bedre beslutninger i forbindelse med opstart […]

Getting started with R – Hands On Data Science

"Are you ready to apply your data science and machine learning skills to read world challenges? Are you interested in collaborating and sharing knowledge with similar minded people?Of course you are!Hands-on Data Science is a collaborative community in which its members regularly meetup and actively work together on real datasets from companies. The process provides opportunities […]

Techstars Startup Weekend Copenhagen Fintech #CPHSW

These are SO much fun..."Techstars Startup Weekends are 54-hour events designed to provide superior experiential education for technical and non-technical entrepreneurs.  Beginning with Friday night pitches and continuing through brainstorming, business plan development, and basic prototype creation, Techstars Startup Weekends culminate in Sunday night demos and presentations.Participants create working startups during the event and are able […]

Global DevOps Bootcamp 2018 @ Copenhagen

"Global DevOps Bootcamp is a global event that will be held on Saturday June 16th and is all about DevOps on the Microsoft Stack. Centrally organized by Xpirit and Solidify and offered to you by this local partner. During this 1-day event we will join (Microsoft) DevOps communities all around the world to talk, learn […]

Copenhagen Fintech Week Regulation Day

"On June 18, we will kick off Copenhagen Fintech Week with a joint conference together with Copenhagen Business School with a focus on regulation and digitalization in fintech." Price: €50 Link: https://cphfintechweek.com/pages/buy-tickets/

Introduction to Docker for Developers

"Get an introduction to Docker and what it is and meet other friendly developers in the community that are new to docker. We are really thankful to have Cloudflare sponsoring the meetup! 1700 Doors open1730 Welcome1735 Introduction to Docker- What is Docker?- What can I use it for?- How do I use it for development?1810 […]

Designing well-behaving custom UI for iOS – CocoaHeads Malmö

"We scheduled one "formal" talk about building a well-behaving custom UIViews to give your app a visual twist. After some drinks and food, a short overview of the news from WWDC will be recapped, followed by an open discussion around our first impressions.TalkTitle: Designing well-behaving custom UI for iOSAbstract: A look into how well-behaving custom […]

Java10 – Bridging the Gap Between Database & Stream – JavaForum

"Whenever you write code that mixes languages and domains, such as Java and SQL, you are going to get bugs. A solution is to move away from query languages such as SQL and instead write your business logic with the type-safe and object-oriented constructs we have learned to love in Java, such as streams, predicates, […]

Whispr AI and guiding workers by voice: helpful or mind control?

"Come and learn about Whispr.AI at Founders. Whispr is a contextually aware "learn while doing" platform that aims to boost memory and accuracy rates for learning new tasks. Whispr works hands-free delivering content through a small hearable and listens to questions from users while learning a new task. Whispr.AI is founded by entrepreneur Keith Saft. […]

CocoaHeads Malmö: June

"We scheduled one "formal" talk to this event so we get time to go through what's new from WWDC and our first impressions.The talk will be about implementing well behaving custom UIView subclasses; with animations, live previews, layout, and rendering to give your app a visual twist.After some drinks and food a short overview of […]

CPH Female Entrepreneurs – Networking & coffee for female entrepreneurs

""Surround yourself with the risk takers, artists, truth tellers, adventurers and dream makers, but mostly surround yourself with the people who draw that same magic out of you". - Barefoot Five.CPH Female Entrepreneurs is a group of women typically around the age of 25-40 dedicated to their craft and to making the world just a […]

CoDe Café in Allerød – all day gathering

"Bring your laptop! We will be hacking code.It's free to attend, Breakfast, coffee during the day, dinner in the evening. It's all taken care of.Program0830 Doors open, come anytime, we'll have coffee an buns1000 Program start - we will organize in pairs or groups and work for a couple of hours on a topic, then […]

Life sciences entrepreneurship in Denmark: What does it take to make it?

"The road from birth to growth and success of life sciences start-ups is delicate and filled with challenges. Focusing on what it takes to make it, this post-workday meeting looks at life sciences entrepreneurship from different angles: Danish and international investors and companies at the beginning and at the end of the start-up process.BioInnovation Institute, […]

Life sciences entrepreneurship in Denmark: What does it take to make it?

"The road from birth to growth and success of life sciences start-ups is delicate and filled with challenges. Focusing on what it takes to make it, this post-workday meeting looks at life sciences entrepreneurship from different angles: Danish and international investors and companies at the beginning and at the end of the start-up process.BioInnovation Institute, […]

Virtualisering: Danske Google-stjerner med nyt programmeringssprog

"Den danske datalog Lars Bak er internationalt berømmet for at skrive kode, der er effektiv og pålidelig. Sammen med kollegaen Kasper Lund gennemgår han sit nyeste programmeringssprog TOIT understøttet af konkrete kodeeksempler. Læs mere om arrangementet via linket i toppen." Price: Free Link: http://universe.ida.dk/arrangement/ida-it-google-udvikleren-som-kom-hjem-til-aarhus-327609/

Foodtech Solutions: An Open Source Community

"Come and join us for an evening where we dive deep into the technology behind the Growstack open source platform.The grow system consists of a hardware (mechanics, electronics, high pressure water control etc) and software on a small central computer (Raspberry Pi) that communicates in a JSON format over a serial bus with sensors and […]

Build a dapp, deploy it with the loom network or just join and code with us

"We will code around the cryptozombies.io tutorial together. It allows for building a dapp creating both smart contracts and a javascript frontend during a short timeframe.We will make three groups.1. Beginner, just join and we will start the tutorial together and see how far we get.2. Intermediate, if you have gone through the tutorial at […]

VR Game, Location Based VR Experiences and Props @ Bolverk Games

"Hi xR Pioneers,Joins us for 3 xR talks, demo incl. physical ballista, networking, drinks, snacks and see Denmarks largest VR game studio.Talks from 5 PM. Doors open at 4.30 PMVR-TECH: VRLBE & PropsBolverk Games: DreadmireVRinspired: VRLBE and Props incl. Ballista with built-in heaterIf you have a demo or hew headset do bring it :) This […]

Hardcore Learning – ConTest

"How do you find time, motivation and enjoyment in educating yourself in your own leisure time?In 2017, I spent roughly 500 hours learning outside of my full time job. And I loved almost every minute of it. I will share the strategy and tricks that worked for me, and hopefully you will find something that […]