
Introducing Jenkins X
"Jenkins X is a project which rethinks how developers interact with CI/CD in the cloud. Its focus lies on making development teams productive through automation, tooling and DevOps best practices.As developer you can type one command like jx create or jx import and get your source code, git repository and application created, automatically built and deployed to Kubernetes on […]
Digital Business Models and Beyond
"Join us to hear from some of the top consultants and uncover the most important technologies, skills you need to learn, and much more.Several factors are pushing companies towards digitalization, incl. emergence of disruptive technologies, changing customer demands, market developments and new competition. All sectors and companies must change to adapt, but less than 20% […]
AI in an Attention Economy
"In the digital environment, your attention has become a scarce commodity in an ever-growing market of data collection, analysis and application. Companies are developing systems and designing user interfaces in order to implicitly or explicitly draw your attention.Join Vincent Hendricks - Professor of Formal Philosophy at the University of Copenhagen - and Sune Lehmann - […]
Founders House x Copus: PR and Content for Growth by Carl Kronika
"Copus, a venture communications agency, shares content and PR learnings from working with +50 of the most well-known Nordic startups.When building new ventures, it’s crucial to concisely communicate to all stakeholders: Investors, employees, users, journalists, ambassadors, and policy-makers.Carl Kronika, the CEO and co-founder of Copus, will share tools and case examples from brands like SOUNDBOKS, […]
Women in Entrepreneurship Malmö After Work
"Are you interested in entrepreneurship? Startups? Or maybe you're already running your own thing and want to meet people to share your idea with? Then this event is for you!Informal & relaxed - this is an event to meet with other women entrepreneurs and chill together on a Friday after work. There is no prepayment […]
MedTech – Join the Future
"Would you like to know how you can apply your life science skills in the fast-growing MedTech industry?Would you like to know how you can apply your life science skills in the fast growing MedTech industry? Then join our event on March 30 where John Zibert, Chief Medical Officer, in LEO Innovation Lab, will tell […]
Hvordan udvikler vi forklarlig kunstig intelligens (XAI), der skaber værdi?
"Der er store potentialer i at implementere kunstig intelligens... Men der synes at være en barriere, når vi skal gå fra gode intentioner til at realisere de nye muligheder – særligt når de kommer til at balancere potentiale, etik, tillid og gennemsigtighed i løsningerne.Peter Christian Damm, KMDProf, Anders Kofod-Petersen, Alexandra InstituttetProfessor Thomas Moeslund, Aalborg UniversitetCTO […]
Time-to-Event Analytics: Probabilistic Programming R and Stan
"This is a follow-up to the presentation by Noah Schellenberg and Andrew Segar in January 2020.Time-to-Event (TtE) Analytics is an especially important concept when performing survival analysis. The unique aspect of TtE Analytics is the use of the suspensions or right-censored data. We will review key messages from the talk in January and together work […]
Mobile Games Business Breakfast: Lightning Round #2
"The mobile games industry in Denmark has long been too fragmented with little knowledge sharing between each company. We all face the same challenges of a rapidly evolving global market, whether we are a publisher, developer or service provider.The goal of this series of Mobile Games Business Breakfasts is to exchange ideas, business opportunities and […]
If everything seems under control, you’re just not going fast enough
"Ever wonder what you need to do to make your code run faster? Ever wondered how to become a “performance engineer”? Perhaps you do performance from time to time, in between one failure to the next severity 1 incident? And you have that strange feeling that you are doing it wrong?Perhaps you’ve never bothered to […]
Sketching User Experiences (Part 4/4) // CPHUX Book Club
"Instead of reading a full book we're dividing it into chapters, we'll cover around 100 pages per event. This makes it more do-able (for some) to get through the book.Depending on the book, we can do try to do methods or tangible exercises, "Learning by doing".To attend this event it is required that you've read […]
Data Science Engineering Workflows – From Notebooks to Production
"Scaling up data science can be difficult. Data set management, cluster management, distributed workloads and model development suddenly all need to fit into the routines and conventions of classical software development. The current ML-ops landscape offers several potential solutions but the lack of a mature standard indicates an underlying issue - none of them are […]
Women and Tech
"CBS Blockchain and CBS Feminist Society invite you to an inspiring evening to learn more about the challenges and opportunities that exist for equality in the tech industry. Welcome to this event where we have invited exciting speakers to showcase the growing opportunities for women in the tech!All the names are out!- Anja Skadkær Grue, […]
Morning Seminar: In search of predictable growth
"Innovation is hard to sustain and predict, and although companies invest massively to remain innovative, research indicates that 72% of all commercial initiatives fail.Join us on April 3th, when we discuss predictable growth with Vice President of Global Marketing at FOSS, Troels Rygaard.Zooming into the customer view is common practice but transforming insights into predictable […]
User Research War Stories (Part 1/2) // CPHUX Book Club
"Come and read 'Doorbells, Danger, and Dead Batteries - User Research War Stories' with us.Instead of reading a full book we're dividing it into chapters, we'll cover around 100 pages per event. This makes it more do-able (for some) to get through the book.Depending on the book, we can do try to do methods or […]
Tech Shaping 2020s
"ØICC inviterer til tech konference, hvor de kløgtigste hoveder fra tech industrien vil komme og vise os deres vision for 2020'erne.Ved indgangen til 2020’erne er flere af 2010’ernes tech transformationer for alvor klar til blive sat i spil. Det vil få vidtrækkende betydning for alle brancher og dele af samfundet. Men hvordan kommer udviklingen til […]
Making Interactive Web Apps with {shiny}
"{shiny} is a popular R package for making interactive web interfaces in R. You can build an interface to your data in just a few steps, allowing users to explore and interact with the data directly.We'll go through the minimum steps to get started with {shiny} and use it to explore a dataset - either […]
User Research War Stories (Part 2/2) // CPHUX Book Club
"Come and read 'Doorbells, Danger, and Dead Batteries - User Research War Stories' with us.Instead of reading a full book we're dividing it into chapters, we'll cover around 100 pages per event. This makes it more do-able (for some) to get through the book.Depending on the book, we can do try to do methods or […]
Seminar: Carolin Lawrence (NEC Labs Europe), Sequence Generation and Graph AI Isabelle A.
"Abstract:The talk is structured in two parts. First, we introduce a method that improves sequence generation for NLP, demonstrated on two chatbot dialogue tasks. Second, we look at various AI research projects ongoing at NEC Labs Europe, centering around using graphs to solve real-world problems.Part 1:Neural sequence generation is typically performed token-by-token and left-to-right. Whenever […]
Copenhagen Fintech Week 2020
"Last year, Copenhagen Fintech Week welcomed more than 1000 attendees from all continents.We shared insights with the 130+ international speakers we gathered from over 15 different countries to join our keynotes and panels tackling hot tech topics. We crafted plenty of networking sessions and workshops and offered a great number of fantastic fintech startups to showcase […]