Seminar: Carolin Lawrence (NEC Labs Europe), Sequence Generation and Graph AI Isabelle A.

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24. april 2020 @ 11:00 - 12:00

“Abstract:The talk is structured in two parts. First, we introduce a method that improves sequence generation for NLP, demonstrated on two chatbot dialogue tasks. Second, we look at various AI research projects ongoing at NEC Labs Europe, centering around using graphs to solve real-world problems.Part 1:Neural sequence generation is typically performed token-by-token and left-to-right. Whenever a token is generated only previously produced tokens are taken into consideration. In contrast, for problems such as sequence classification, bidirectional attention, which takes both past and future tokens into consideration…”

Price: Free



24. april 2020
11:00 - 12:00
University of Copenhagen, Universitetsparken 1, (Lille UP1), 2100 Copenhagen, Denmark

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