Intro to Figma Design | Turn ideas in to products
"This is a FREE workshop on how to define a product from just an idea and how to get started with your first prototype in Figma design tool.Together we will explore the world of how build, design and collaborate your first project in Figma. You do NOT need any prior experience to be able to […]
Can you download the whole Instagram?
"How would you feel if your boss asks: Can you download the whole Instagram? We will tell you the story of an adventurous journey.From using test automation tools to fool a protective signup system, to the hidden features that make Postgres a tool capable of digesting millions of read/write requests.From a single machine to a […]
Create The UX Your Customers Deserve
"At this morning session, we look at the structures of beautiful user experiences and why they should be on your business agenda for 2019. We also introduce you to some of the key design principles you can implement in your own user flows. We will talk about when UX needs to be fast (for swift […]
Cloud Native workshop – From zero to full speed with Kubernetes – Morning
"Join this workshop and get started with Cloud Native. We are going to deploy an application from scratch to Google Cloud Kubernetes Engine and learn best practices. Kubernetes is right now the best tool for any company to adopt because it gives you all the tools to go fast without being tied to something that […]
Smarter work: How not to burn out in 2019
"Innovation work is fun, inspiring and packed with variety. But are we doing it wrong? We put a critical eye on some of the most celebrated methodologies for new business. They embrace uncertainty, speed, and complexity. And are potential burnout drivers, if you do not have checks and balances around them. We identify fixes for […]
Trendspaning – Inbound Marketing, med Camilla Agardh (21/3)
"Camilla Agardh, VD på Invise, är en ledande expert inom Inbound Marketing.På denna trendspaning berättar Camilla om varför Inbound Marketing är ett självklart val för alla företag och organisationer som vill vara framgångsrika i mötet med sin målgrupp – för att maximera sin försäljning och sitt resultat.Det kommer bli tips, erfarenheter, kundcase blandat med spaningar […]
Konference: Klar til digital transformation
"I dag står dansk erhvervsliv og uddannelsesinstitutioner på tærsklen til ’den fjerde industrielle revolution’, der er drevet af den hastige digitale og teknologiske udvikling. Nye teknologier som Internet of Things, kunstig intelligens, blockchain, robotteknologi og Big data er ikke bare nyttige arbejdsredskaber, de udfordrer også på radikal vis de forretningsmodeller, vidensformer og produktionsmåder, som vi […]
SheTech Coding Club
""SheTech:The Coding club" is back again. WonderCoders and Symbion are happy to welcome you for an evening of coding and fun.SheTech:The Coding Club is where beginners in programming as well as more experienced female (male are welcome as well) developers get together, share knowledge and support each other.If you are working on a project that […]
Food Solutions Challenge at Copenhagen Business School
"Learn about the cold storage supply chain in sub-Saharan Africa. We will talk about food loss, the impact of refrigeration on climate change and the need to feed a growing population. Then, we will create potential solutions for these tough, interconnected issues with like-minded people. Afterwards, you can submit your solutions proposal to Net Impact […]
Quiz Night – Malmö C++ User Group
"The Malmö C++ User Group is finishing its first year with a Quiz Night!We will create a teams and try to answer as many C++ related questions as possible. Anything from normal language behavior, quirks, history and more. After that we will end the meetup with pizza, drinks and the good old hangout and chat afterwards.1730 […]
Balance for Better #3: Representation Matters
"For the third Balance for Better Workshop on March 22nd, Copenhagen FinTech invites important players in the Danish tech industry and leaders of educational institutions to engage in a penal debate in order to jointly explore new avenues to make tech education and careers more attractive to women. Topics for discussion will range from how […]
Open Innovation X – Impact Cities
"Change cities together with us at Oi-X Impact Cities!Join us if your heart beats for development.Open Innovation X 2019 Spring has the theme IMPACT CITIES. Take part of the Oi-X Developer Weekend sprint and work with societal and technological challenges creating ‘’Sustainable Cities and Communities”. Get experience with open development in cross-disciplinary teams and in […]
Mind-Control Technology – the Consumer’s Choices – Telepathy Through Technology
"Brain Computer Interfaces (BCIs) are just like other Human Computer Interfaces such as a mouse, keyboard or joystick. Different inputs are created according to the mental state you are in and its variations, which the computer can detect and interpret. Time to explore the range of fascinating devices this field of tech offers.After a short overview […]
Infrastructure as Code: Terraform & Azure – Hashicorp Malmö
"HashiCorp Terraform enables you to safely and predictably create, change, and improve infrastructure. It is an open source tool that codifies APIs into declarative configuration files that can be shared amongst team members, treated as code, edited, reviewed, and versioned.If you are looking for Infrastructure as Code probably this is perfect start for you to […]
From Start-Up to Scale-Up – 10 key points to consider in manufacturing
"Are you ready to scale up your company? This event will take you a step further into the manufacturing side of things. We will highlight 10 points to consider when moving from prototypes/small scale manufacturing into a much larger scale/mass manufacturing setting.When still a start-up, many often need or prefer to keep manufacturing close by, […]
Startup Coffee Malmö
"Join Startup Coffee every second Tuesday at Djäkne Kaffebar between 8.00-9.00. Join the first one of the year on January 15th, all you need to do is show up! Startup Coffee is an informal event to meet entrepreneurs and others interested in startups, hear about opportunities in the community and exchange experiences over a good […]
Startup Mentor Training Event – Batch 1 / Copenhagen
"Venture Cup Denmark has a mentor program called Startup Mentors.Startup Mentors host 6 Mentor Training workshops and 6 Matching Events annually, where the entire +200 network of startups and mentors is invited. What are the events about?We want to invite our mentors and potential new mentors to join our Mentor Training workshop, co-hosted with KMP+ […]
Fintech Tuesday – IOT & Insurance
"Welcome to Fintech Tuesday hosted by Copenhagen FinTech and InfinIT, where we combine the knowledge of commercial stakeholders together with the newest research in the technical sciences.This will be about applications of IoT for insurance companies and will guide you through the newest research in IoT.IoT has huge potential for the insurance industry, and this […]
Hardcore Learning – DevOps Malmö
"How do you find time, motivation and enjoyment in educating yourself in your own leisure time?In 2017, I spent roughly 500 hours learning outside of my full time job. And I loved almost every minute of it. I will share the strategy and tricks that worked for me, and hopefully you will find something that […]
Startup Copenhagen Meetup
"WE'RE BACK!Startup Copenhagen invites entrepreneurs, investors and all entrepreneurship lovers to gather, share updates about the community and discover new startups. Agenda1730 Doors Open - Networking1800 Startup ecosystem updates and presentationsFor this part, we're excited to welcome Dixa, SEED Capital and NordicNinjaVC. Dixa just raised their 14M$ Series A. They provide a global platform for better […]