Fintech Tuesday - IOT & Insurance

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26. marts 2019 @ 15:00 - 17:00

“Welcome to Fintech Tuesday hosted by Copenhagen FinTech and InfinIT, where we combine the knowledge of commercial stakeholders together with the newest research in the technical sciences.This will be about applications of IoT for insurance companies and will guide you through the newest research in IoT.IoT has huge potential for the insurance industry, and this event will help you understand how far implementation this technology is to make the insurance industry more efficient.Join us for an afternoon of some of the greatest research, business applications and minds within IoT, to guide you through real use of this very hyped technology.”

Price: Free



26. marts 2019
15:00 - 17:00
Copenhagen FinTech Lab, Applebys Plads 7, 1411 Copenhagen, Denmark

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