X-Mas Sweater Friday Bar with +Impact Accelerator
"X-mas is fast approaching and to make sure you´re in the right spirit we teamed up with Founders House to give you a fun-filled Christmas themed Friday bar.So, bring your best (or worst) Christmas sweater or (whatever x-mas prop you like) and join us for FREE food, plenty of drinks and good laughs!To make the […]
Friday Fight Box
"4:00 PMThe bar is open - beer, wine & cocktails4:30 PM - 5:30 PMOpen mic pitch session – come pitch your startup. Sign up with Christina Rich / cr@dtusciencepark.dk5:30 PMSecret guest speaker – “our journey to success”" Price: Free Link: https://www.facebook.com/events/308846049955289/?notif_t=plan_user_invited¬if_id=1541193606331382
ITU Copernicus Satellite Hackathon
"The Copernicus Satellite Hackathon, focuses on satellite data-based web apps. It is limited to 50 participants. There are no predefined topics. Groups of students are encouraged to develop innovative web app concepts in the domain of their choice. It starts with lightning talks, followed by pizza, soda and beers.On Saturday, students get guidance and feedback […]
Elm – Functional programming for the frontend
"Curious about programming in Elm? Tired of "annot read property 'bar' of undefined"? This might be what you are looking for. In this meetup you will hear about why Elm was picked for a project. Then you can unload all your questions about Elm to one of the brightest in the Elm community.Agenda1630 Meet & […]
Coding Sunday with Wondercoders: Build your first WordPress site
"Did you know that 27% of the websites on the web are powered by WordPress? Well, there is a big reason why so many and it is attributed to it's ease of use. Join us on 25th of November on a full day workshop where we will teach you the basics of WordPress. We will […]
Symposium: Protein-Membrane Costructures: Structure, Function, and Targeting
"ConceptThe Novo Nordisk Foundation offers funding for one-day symposia to be held at the Novo Nordisk Foundation. The objective is to provide leading as well as younger researchers with opportunities to present and discuss the newest research within their fields. SymposiumResearch in the biology and biophysics of lipids has surged in the past decade. Huge technical […]
Startup Coffee Malmö
"Join Startup Coffee every second Tuesday at Djäkne Kaffebar between 8.00-9.00. Join the first one on August 21st, all you need to do is show up! Startup Coffee is an informal event to meet entrepreneurs and others interested in startups, hear about opportunities in the community and exchange experiences over a good cup of coffee. We hope […]
Legal Tech Today, Tomorrow, and When That Tomorrow Will Actually Arrive
"Legal Tech Copenhagen is moving to neutral ground and will meet in the morning.Hear two views on the state of legal tech, both as it applies to lawyers and more broadly to include, for example, regulatory tech. Where are things right now in Denmark and internationally? What does the future hold and when will it […]
Morgenbriefing: Rank Zero – Sådan bliver du fremhævet på plads #0 i toppen af Google!
"Sådan bliver du fremhævet på plads #0 i toppen af Google!Vil du gerne fremhæves i toppen af Google med et featured svar på dine potentielle kunders spørgsmål?Google fremhæver i stigende grad svar på spørgsmål på plads nummer #0 øverst i Google. Du kan med andre ord opnå endnu bedre placeringer end førstepladsen på Google. Disse […]
"Interested in Personalised Medicine, Biomarkers and Immuno-oncology? And in meeting companies, organisations, experts, scientists, and students in this field?Save the date – and register now for the Bioagora 2018 on November 27 on Frederiksberg Campus, Copenhagen.It’s free – and a great way to meet up and share knowledge, get inspired and maybe establish new relationships […]
Økonomisk Ugebrev Biotech: Kvartalskonference Q4 2018
"Kom og mød fem spændende børsnoterede virksomheder indenfor Biotek og Pharma i Norden: AddLife, Virogates, Biovica International, Iconovo og InDex Pharmaceuticals!Bliv klogere på selskabernes fremtidsplaner og få en aktuel beskrivelse af deres forventninger til forskningsresultater, produktsalg og virksomhedernes generelle business case.Deltagelse er gratis, men der opkræves et gebyr på 100 DDK ved manglende framelding, som skal ske senest den 20. november kl. 12.00.Vi […]
CBS Talks: Marianne Dahl Steensen, CEO Microsoft Denmark & Iceland
"CBS Talks are beyond excited to announce CEO of Microsoft Denmark & Iceland, Marianne Dahl Steensen, as our third speaker of this semester!Agenda1530 Registration (SP201)1600 Talk with Marianne Dahl Steensen1700 Q&A1730 Networking Marianne will talk about her journey towards the top of Microsoft as well as the ups and downs along the way. Furthermore, Marianne […]
Succesfuld storytelling som et startup: Hvor skal du starte?
"Zevegraf og Sp8ces afholder sammen et event for startup og scaleup-folk, der er interesserede i, hvordan man skaber kommunikation, der begejstrer.Hvad skal der ske?Der deles ud af metoder, anekdoter og idéer. Zevegraf åbner ballet med en kort præsentation om, hvordan startups og scaleups får succes med god storytelling.Zevegraf introducerer en model, de selv kalder “niveau […]
Introduction to Behavior Driven Development
"Curious about Behaviour Driven Development? Somewhat experienced with BDD, but wan't to hear what the expert says? If so, don't miss this meetup with the awesome Ahmad Mayahi. Last time he did this introduction, it was in Aarhus, and the room was packed. Now, we welcome hime in Copenhagen. Ahmad introduces himself this way: "Hi, […]
VR/AR Meetup – ‘How to create impactful immersion with 360 film & spatial sound’
"Connect with other passionate people, we are curious about VR/AR. Professionals and amateurs are welcome to this meetup. We share ideas and inspire each other to create better immersive experiences and applications.This month we have two speakers talking about two sides of the same project and how they came together to create an impactful & […]
Why Penetration Testing Sucks – Critical Tech Meetup
"The field of IT Sec is a maze of various attempts and techniques to limit exposure to risk. One common technique is penetration testing, which aims at helping organizations to become more resilient against security threats. However, methods vary and are sometimes in efficient. In particular, it doesn't always solve the root cause of security bugs. To shed […]
Go Cph November meet up
"Program still pending...Agenda (so far):- GraphQL in Go / Lukas Rist- Go Case / Jan-Erik Revsbech- Goroutine-safe cache / Ahmed Mostafa- Go Modules / <- still pending speakerLet me know if you would like to give a presentation or talk.Some light food and drinks will be provided by Peytz & Co. Looking forward to seeing […]
[Brian Hjøllund] F# at Unity
"We are going to be at Unity Technologies offices in Copenhagen, where it all began, to see how they use F# in a mainly C# dominated environment."Why did we choose F# amongst a hoarde of C# developers, how has it helped us and what challenges did we face"Brian Hjøllund has been developing for almost 20 […]
Celebrating Power Platform
"This is a MsBIP community meeting in joint venture with Power BI UG Denmark. Join us in a united celebration of the new Power Platform term with this extended meeting, where we will have no less than two tracks:- PowerApps & Flow- Power BISpeakersJohn White, MVP, UnlimitedVizReuben Krippner, MicrosoftSteve Ede, MicrosoftJon Levesque, MicrosoftBent Nissen Pedersen, […]
Ethereum Update, Devcon 4 learnings and Community Workshop
"This event is about building a stronger Ethereum Community in Denmark. Overall the goal is to become better at sharing knowledge within the community but also that more people can participate in organizing our meetups - that way we can enable more and better events in the future.Agenda:Update on the Ethereum Ecosystem by Pierre RethorePanel […]