SMWCPH – PULSE 18- 5 forbruger-og medietrends der rykker i 2018
"Bli’ klædt på i forhold til de trends og tendenser, der kommer til at præge medie- og marketingbranchen i løbet af 2018. Vi byder på 5 trends, der alle er med til at inspirere dig i forhold til, hvordan du bedst rammer ned i 5 store forbrugertendenser i 2018." Price: Free Event Language: Danish Link: https://www.smwicph.dk/schedule/pulse-18--5-forbruger-og-medietrends-der-rykker-i-2018
SMWCPH – Coca-Cola and challenging status quo on social
"For Coca-Cola one of the main channels for them is social as one of their keen target group is teens.Coca-Cola is always challenging status quo on social. In our deep dive in the Coca-Cola study we will take a closer look at our attempt at translating social kpi’s to business kpi’s to ROI for Coca-Cola.It’s […]
Talk by Ryan Cotterell: Musings on Linguistic Complexity and Typology
"Ryan is a fifth year PhD student in the Johns Hopkins Computer Science Department affiliated with the Center for Language and Speech Processing, where he is co-advised by Jason Eisner and David Yarowsky. He is a 2018 Facebook Ph.D. Fellow in natural language processing. He has over 35 papers, mostly in NLP venues. His work […]
SMWCPH – Digital Brand Activation
"I takt med at digitale elementer overtager store dele af værdikæden, har brands mere end nogenside brug for, at skabe positive interaktioner med forbrugeren. Hvordan arbejder man helt overordnet med brand activation og lifestyle marketing? Hvordan behandler, anvender og implementerer man data? Det handler om at aktivere produkter og brands, ikke bare gennem sponsorater, partnerskaber og influenter, […]
AI as a Service Presented by 2021.AI and Microsoft
"Microsoft and 2021.AI would like to welcome you to participate in our joint event, AI as a Service for small and large enterprises! We want to show you how 2021.AI and Microsoft work together, using Azure as a host for the APEX Platform. The keynote presenters of the event will be Thomas Jensen and Christian Skøtt Maltesen at […]
SMWCPH – Paneldebat – Digital Markedsføring
"Arbejder danske virksomheder digitalt og databaseret med deres markedsføring – og er de overhovedet klar til det? Hør meget mere om dette samt hvordan paneldeltagerne selv arbejder med digital markedsføring. Vi kommer også omkring fremtidens digital markedsføring.Paneldeltagere:• Nathalie Larsen – Digital chef at Lead Agency• Jacob Mouritzen – Business Partner at Mindshare Danmark• Jacob Kildebogaard […]
Live Growth Hacking
"With Marketing Expert Kim Døfler from Trigger Growth "Let's amplify Success" Join us for a Growth Hacking session where we will dive into how you can grow your business through content creation, automation of your online marketing efforts and improve your conversion rate. Kim from Trigger Growth will share his thoughts and it’s an opportunity […]
Get-together inden SXSW
"Til marts løber konferencen SXSW af stablen i Austin, Texas. SXSW er en af verdens største og mest inspirerende konferencer om nye teknologier, nye markeder, medier og design. Her mødes nogen af klodens mest kreative og radikalt nytænkende aktører for at få inspiration i verdensklasse.I Dansk Design Center vil vi gerne styrke det danske SXSW netværk, og […]
Toolbox: Sådan skaffer du kapital til dit startup
"Investor radar, kapitalbehov, værdisætning og forhandlingsproces – velkommen til ToolboxSøger dit startup risikovillig kapital og risikovillige kompetencer? Så vil vi gerne invitere dig til Keystones' populære Toolbox om investor radar, kapitalbehov, værdisætning og forhandlingsproces. Vi har komprimeret mere end 15 års erfaring ned til en bouillon terning på 1 time.Tilmeld ved mail til Frederik Ploug […]
Azure Cosmos DB and Microsoft Enterprise Mobility & Security – Skåne Azure User Group
"Learn about Microsoft's new database platform Azure Cosmos DB, also called the "one database to rule them all" and about Microsoft Enterprise Mobility and Security using Azure.Presenter (Azure Cosmos DB):Johan Åhlén, Microsoft MVP (Most Valuable Professional), ranked by TechWorld as one of the top developers in Sweden.Presenter (Microsoft Enterprise Mobility and Security)Minh Phung, Senior Consultant at Avanade […]
Malware Analysis
"Victor and Christoffer work as Security Analysts in SecureLink’s Cyber Defense Center in Malmö. During 2016, they finished their Master Thesis project on SecureLink, spending six months together developing and evaluating techniques for evading sandboxes: the single most advanced anti-malware appliance currently available. Today, their daily work includes everything from hands-on security work, such as […]
CopenhagenSec meetup
"This time we'll have a joint meetup with "Netværk for teknisk it-sikkerhed".We'll meet at 5:30 and will start with some short talks at 6. If you want to volunteer for a talk please contact Hanno. Picture © User:Colin / Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 4.0" Price: Free Link: https://www.meetup.com/CopenhagenSec/events/247833582/
SMWCPH – Sæt den grønne dagsorden og opbyg stærke communities
"Bæredygtighed er efterhånden på alles læber, og det er ingen hemmelighed, at forbrugerne i stigende grad efterspørger brands, som indtager tydelige positioner og dedikerer sig til god en sag.Men hvordan bliver man som brand overhovedet synlig i mængderne af kommunikation? Hvordan trænger man igennem og indtager en ønsket (grøn) position? Og hvordan sætter man en […]
SMWCPH – Facebook annoncering for begyndere og let øvede
"På dette kursus får du en introduktion til de mange spændende muligheder, du har, når du annoncerer på Facebook.Måske har du aldrig før prøvet at annoncere på Facebook. Måske har du lidt erfaring med at booste opdateringer eller har taget de første spæde skridt i Facebook Business Manager eller Power Editor. Uanset hvad vil du på […]
The Future of People@Work
"Join us February 28th where we'll be joined by HR leads from Microsoft, SKAT, Leo Pharma, Actimo and Bloch & Østergaard to dig into emerging trends in people management, shifting workforces and how technology (for good and bad) is affecting the future of people at work." Price: Free Link: https://peopleatwork.splashthat.com/
Kick-off: Succes som madiværksætter
"Markedet for madoplevelser og fødevarer er i rivende udvikling! Det giver nye muligheder for iværksættere, som tænker kreativt og forstår hvad der skal til for at få succes. Greater Copenhagen Food Startup inviterer sammen med CPH Food Space til kick-off på vores populære workshops og acceleratorprogram særligt for startups inden for mad.Eftermiddagen giver et indblik […]
Build your landing page from Scratch – Free Workshop
"This is a FREE coding workshop on HTML & CSS for absolute beginners. Together we will explore the world of web development, teach you to code and design your own landing page using HTML and CSS. You do NOT need any prior coding experience.You will be:• Guided carefully through HTML / CSS basics• Shown lots […]
Playing CTF for fun and EXP – SecuriTea
"Reading, hearing and talking about security is fun! But what about the practical element to it?Especially if you do not feel ready to throw yourself into the big world of Bug Bounties?Luckily there are many training grounds and one of them is called CTF! Join us as we introduce what CTF is, how you can get […]
Deep Learning in text and audio
"2 talks:1) Extracting information from documents with deep learning - Rasmus Berg PalmScanned invoice in, digital semantic invoice out. Easy? Not so much. Especially if you want it to work for any invoice, with no setup or pre-annotation required. We'll present our iterations on trying to create the 'perfect' machine learning model that works for […]
ProductTank Copenhagen – Siteimprove
"ProductTank Copenhagen will visit Siteimprove, and you will have the opportunity to meet up with well-known and new product managers. Agenda:• Sandwich/drinks• Intro• Talk/Theme• Open Space• Networking ProductTank is for product managers or people interested in product management." Price: Free Link: https://www.meetup.com/ProductTank-Copenhagen/events/246403077/