Startup Coffee Malmö
"Join Startup Coffee every second Tuesday at Djäkne Kaffebar between 8.00-9.00. Join the first one of the year on January 15th, all you need to do is show up! Startup […]
DjangoGirls Copenhagen
"If you are a woman and want to learn how to make websites, we have good news for you: we are holding a one-day workshop for beginners! We will teach […]
Workshop – Copenhagen 9th April, API,OpenSource,IAM
"Workshop with Redpill and WSo2 on API, Identity Access Management, OpensourceThis workshop is open to Solutions Architects, IT Managers, developers.WSo2 and Redpill are holding this half day workshop at the […]
MBA x LEOILab: LEO’s Hule
"I samarbejde med LEO Innovation Lab inviterer MBA den 9. April kl. 16.00-19.00 til en workshop hos LEOILab.Er du interesseret i digital sundhed, og hvordan teknologi og kunstig intelligens kan […]
Hvordan skalerer man danske tech-startups internationalt?
"Hvordan skalerer jeg mit startup internationalt?I Danmark er vi gode til at bygge virksomheder, men vi halter stadig efter vores Europæiske naboer, når det kommer til at vækste vores virksomheder […]
Next-gen CI night
"Hi Cloud Natives,We are taking a tour in the CI landscape where members of our community will talk about their hands-on experience of their CI system of choice."If you don't […]
Malmö Design Salon #10 ‘Anonymity’ ~~ Anniversary Edition! ~~
"We started this adventure about a year ago with the first Malmö Design Salon held at Jayway on the topic of Natural Interfaces. Now, 10 wonderful Salons later, we are […]
Azure Community Heroes visits Skåne Azure Group
"Skåne Azure Usergroup is humbled to invite you to:Thomas Maurer, Senior Cloud advocate, Microsoft (MVP)○ https://twitter.com/ThomasMaurer○ https://www.thomasmaurer.ch/Stefan Johner, Microsoft Azure MVP○ https://twitter.com/JohnerStefan○ https://blog.jhnr.ch/Eric Berg, Azure and Cloud Datacenter Management MVP○ https://twitter.com/ericberg_de○ https://ericberg.de/Henk Boelman, Microsoft AI MVP, […]
Using Narrative as a Design Tool – The Digital UI
"You're designing a new service, product, app, website, etc., and you want it to make sense, and be seamless. You want it to be meaningful. But where do coherence and meaning […]
Democracy+Technology Cafe – how social media challenge democracy
"Social media platforms like Facebook and Google are financed by advertising - in short they earn their money on keeping us on their sites as long as possible and by […]