
Technoethics Talks: “Man v. Machine: What Does AI Mean For Our Jobs?”
"Where do technology and people meet? More importantly, what happens when they do? The Ground presents Technoethics Talks, a monthly talk series aimed to educate and faciliate conversation about the […]
Open Banking – innovation and startup opportunities with PSD2
"In January, the new EU Directive 2015/2366 on payment services (PSD2) came into force. PSD2 commit the banks to open up for their customer data through APIs, which enable third […]
Sports Hub Networking Event
"Welcome to the premiere of Sports Hub Networking Event! Join Sports Hub for a networking event at STORM, Malmo University’s Innovation Lab, a creative and welcoming place. We invite everyone […]
Did you get that? C++, Messages and Uplay Malmö C++ User Group
"Sending messages is hard. Learn how Uplay PC structures it's client with async message passing, how the client backend communicates with the interface, the problems learned and what is planned […]
(Hands-on Haskell) MF#K: Delete your Facebook account or just remove content?
""The last months we have been reading how companies have been able to bypass Facebook policy on data usage.No matter how much effort FB will put into this, companies will […]
Copenhagen Cocoa April (Server-Side Swift Edition)
"It's time for another Copenhagen Cocoa meetup (formerly known as CocoaHeads). This time we will be visiting Nodes and the event will have a focus on server-side Swift! 1830 - […]
Learn about pesticide free food production: Biotechnology provides answers
" Disease resistance is inarguably the best technological approach to control diseases in plants since no management input is required by the grower once the resistant variety has been planted.The […]