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"* Subjects still to be determined. Please if you want to talk, send your ideas and/or presentations to us so we can help you out and give you some hints. […]

Technical Workflow in Startups

"Working with developers can be challenging and understanding their process even more so. In this workshop, we'll take a look at how a startup team can move mountains with the […]

Cake + .NET Core = Write Once, Build Anywhere

"Cake + .NET Core = Write Once, Build Anywhere After a rough first few years, .NET Core is here to deliver modern cross-platform .NET development. As the tools are also […]

volunteer and organize DjangoCPH Day (info+meeting)

"If you want to help organize or volunteer at DjangoCPH Day (see djangocph.dk ), please join and let's collaborate on the many tasks.Currently, we have divided tasks into the following […]