
GDPR – how to break up with your customer and still be friends
"We will talk about what the GDPR (General Data Protection Regultaion) is and why it is being introduced in May 2018. The schedule for the event is: 1700 Get settled […]
Advanced Javascript
"* Subjects still to be determined. Please if you want to talk, send your ideas and/or presentations to us so we can help you out and give you some hints. […]
Technical Workflow in Startups
"Working with developers can be challenging and understanding their process even more so. In this workshop, we'll take a look at how a startup team can move mountains with the […]
Cake + .NET Core = Write Once, Build Anywhere
"Cake + .NET Core = Write Once, Build Anywhere After a rough first few years, .NET Core is here to deliver modern cross-platform .NET development. As the tools are also […]
volunteer and organize DjangoCPH Day (info+meeting)
"If you want to help organize or volunteer at DjangoCPH Day (see djangocph.dk ), please join and let's collaborate on the many tasks.Currently, we have divided tasks into the following […]