Why you should love Rust as well...

19. september 2019 @ 15:30 - 18:00
“For the fourth year in a row, Rust has been listed as the most loved programming language in the Stackoverflow survey but with a small but growing pool of developers using it. So what inspires such love from them?Rust is a performance focused language which aims to steer you away from common memory and thread bugs associated with other languages.It is also versatile, being able to be used for web services, embedded development, to generate WebAssembley and its great toolset and compiler will help you through all.The session will introduce some of the language features and tools Rust has, and time allowing will explore a use case for WASM…”
Price: Free
Link: https://www.foocafe.org/malmoe/events/2269-why-you-should-love-rust-as-well