Whispr AI and guiding workers by voice: helpful or mind control?

19. juni 2018 @ 15:30 - 17:30
“Come and learn about Whispr.AI at Founders. Whispr is a contextually aware “learn while doing” platform that aims to boost memory and accuracy rates for learning new tasks. Whispr works hands-free delivering content through a small hearable and listens to questions from users while learning a new task. Whispr.AI is founded by entrepreneur Keith Saft. Keith ran the IOT and M2M product development group for Telefonica, lead the product team for yahoo.com and the design and product team for Yahoo mobile. He also taught, for 6 years, interface design for Carnegie Mellon’s Computer Science department. He has 13 software patents.”
Price: F
Link: https://www.meetup.com/AI-Fyraftensbajer-CPH/events/251520404/