What is Xamarin, and how can you benefit from using it for your app project.

19. marts 2020 @ 17:00 - 19:00
“The first Copenhagen Xamarin Meetup in 2020 will be hosted byIFS – International Flight Support.At this first Xamarin Meetup event, we will focus on the following topics:- A quick intro to what Xamarin is- Benefits and challenges of using Xamarin- Lessons learned from the recently released Xamarin app for Internships created for Copenhagen Municipality by App Blueprint AcademyThere will be pizza, drinks, and a lot of opportunity to network with other Xamsters at the event 😉 Agenda (provisional):1800 Registration & Welcome1830 Presentation & Q&A1930 Networking + Pizza & Drinks”
Price: Free
Link: https://www.meetup.com/Copenhagen-Xamarin-Meetup/events/268080324/