Web Devs Meetup

19. marts 2020 @ 18:00 - 20:00
“Hi web developers. It’s time for a new meetup. I’ve been busy over the last 3 months, so I was not able to hold the meetup during that period. Now I’ve got more free time and would like to organize our 8:th web developers meetup.As usual, we gather to talk about the latest technology trends when it comes to web development, we talk about our careers, we meet new friends in the IT industry. Our meetup attendees are both senior web developers with 15-20 years of experience but also junior web devs who have just entered the world of web development.Come hang with us, meet new friends, exchange experiences with the rest…”
Price: Free
Link: https://www.meetup.com/Web-Developers-Oresund/events/269233322/