These Are Your New KPI's

Indlæser Begivenheder

2. maj 2019 @ 07:00 - 08:30

“KPI’s have a troubled reputation. They can be as unwished for as an additional report sheet. As out of touch as last year’s vision statement.But they really don’t have to be. We invite you to rethink how you measure performance and ask: What kind of metrics does it take to keep track of your innovation?Spoiler alert: It goes beyond deciding that it would be good to grow a certain part of your business X amount over X time.If you put in the work, metrics can qualify the whole conversation in your innovation team and keep it grounded inyour market, industry and the world at large…”

Price: Free



2. maj 2019
07:00 - 08:30
Pier47, Langelinie Allé 47, 2100 Copenhagen, Denmark

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