Testing for Conformity - Contractual - Compliance - Style - Integration ...

11. januar 2018 @ 17:00 - 20:00
“• What we’ll doInitial development of REST API’s and initial implementation is one thing, continuing to do so whilst expanding the number and diversity of consumers and keeping those consumers happy, requires that you introduce some form of self-control, preferably automated controlling measures that helps you as a service provider to deliver perceived quality. That is things that keeps the consumer applications working. The theme for the Meetup is about the ways that can be done. More specific the areas of testing is:- contractual testing- e.g. Pact- testing for API style- performance : stress, recoverability…”
Price: Free
Link: https://www.meetup.com/REST-API-Meetup-Location-in-Copenhagen-Aarhus-and-Aalborg/events/245947005/