Startup Mentor Training Event - Batch 1 / Copenhagen

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26. marts 2019 @ 15:00 - 19:00

“Venture Cup Denmark has a mentor program called Startup Mentors.Startup Mentors host 6 Mentor Training workshops and 6 Matching Events annually, where the entire +200 network of startups and mentors is invited.
What are the events about?We want to invite our mentors and potential new mentors to join our Mentor Training workshop, co-hosted with KMP+ House of Mentoring. The purpose of the Mentor Training workshop is to provide our mentors with good understanding and knowledge on how to be a mentor.The purpose of the Matching Event is to connect promising founders and their university startups from the eight…”

Price: F



26. marts 2019
15:00 - 19:00
Kuppelsalen, Danske Bank, Laksegade 10, 1063 Copenhagen, Denmark

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