Speed dating - Find your next web developer

1. marts 2019 @ 07:00 - 09:30
“Welcome to Speed DatingYou will be able to meet your future colleague, educated by Hack Your Future at Foo Café. Students at Hack Your Future has gone through a six months course in web development, with following content:- HTML5/CSS- Git/GitHub- JavaScript- React- NodeJS- MySQL, Mongo DBAgenda0800 Lighter Breakfast0815 Brief presentation of the Hack Your Future course0830 Speed dating – meet web developers during 5 minutes each1030 SummaryAfter registration will we follow up with a questionaire on the profile you are looking for. Please note the speed dating is only open for partner companies of Foo Café.”
Price: Free
Link: http://www.foocafe.org/malmoe/events/2157-speed-dating-find-your-next-web-developer