Soft Money Funding for Health Tech Startups

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23. januar 2020 @ 16:00 - 18:30

“Join Health Tech Hub Copenhagen to learn how to get soft money funding for health tech startups.There are lots of soft money out there… but how do you get it?Learn from someone who recently got €3,2M and from experts, how to secure softmoney the easiest and fastest way possible. There will be time for questions, discussions and sharing of experiences over some healthy food.Speakers:Lise Pape, CEO, Walk with Path, recently got €3,2M in soft moneyZafiro Solutions, the experts who helped Walk with PathRasmus Egvad, Partner at Gate2Growth”

Price: Free



23. januar 2020
16:00 - 18:30
Health Tech Hub Copenhagen, 28 Dampfærgevej 1st floor, København 2100

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