RailsGirls Coding Meetup

10. april 2018 @ 15:00 - 17:00
“1700 – quick introduction by Marci and Abtion1710 – Check out what people are doing– a quick go-around1715 – get into groups and start coding1800 – dinner1830 – code some more!1900 end of the eveningWhat is a Project Group:A project group is a meetup where we regularly get together to learn from and with each other. You’re warmly invited to join us regardless of you level or what you’re working on. If you bring a project or coding homework we will do our best to match you with a skilled coach for your questions, or if you’d just like to learn, we will make sure to get you started on tutorials and resources.”
Price: Free
Link: https://www.meetup.com/Rails-Girls-Copenhagen/events/248995092/