R-Ladies! Let's open the ball!

25. oktober 2018 @ 15:30 - 17:00
“We could hardly wait to meet again, but now we are back with the 5th RLadies meetup and an interesting lineup of talks. We hope you would benefit from the knowledge shared, so don’t miss the event! We owe a debt of gratitude to QVARTZ for sponsoring this event! – What will we do?5:30-6:00Analytics and Machine Learning with R and SQL.Eva Pardi (Software Dev & Data Analyst @ Leardal Copenhagen, LI: linkedin.com/in/evapardi): Starting the event with a coding session, using R and SQL, to build a predictive system. We are going to explore the ins and outs of R services for SQL, while creating a simple…”
Price: Free
Link: https://www.meetup.com/rladies-copenhagen/events/255238563/