R.E.B.B.L.S.: Biosolutions for the World’s Water Troubles

15. december 2017 @ 15:30 - 17:30
“Biotech has ample opportunity to support the UN Sustainable Development Goals. At this Christmas edition of REBBLS Beers with Peers, we’ll explore how biotech can support SDG 6 “Clean Water & Sanitation”. It’ll be an interactive session full of inspiration, beer, gløgg, æbleskiver and enlightening conversations. 16.30 Arrival, registration17.00 Welcome by REBBLS17.10 Talk by Barth Smets Professor of Environmental Microbiology17.30 Talk by Water KoL17.50 Novozymes: Open Innovation to find biosolutions in water18.10 Workshop: Can we think of biosolutions to ensure clean water and sanitation for all? 19:00 Beer, Gløgg, æbleskiver”
Price: Free