LIVcph & CPH Foodtech Monthly Meet-up With Rebbls

13. december 2017 @ 16:00 - 18:00
“Join us for the third #LIVCPH community meet-up!TODAYS SPECIAL* CPH Foodtech: New announcements + alternative proteins!* Give a flying start to #LIVCPH hashtag.* Share ideas to projects and get them startedPURPOSEof #LIVCPH community is to foster interdisciplinary collaboration between life-science, foodtech, pharma, agrotech, biomedia art, biodesign, living architecture, plant science across the greater Copenhagen area.AIMof meet-ups.* Get to know each other.* Share announcements, updates and invitations from the community (contact us if you want to hold a 5 min lightning talk or nominate someone else interesting to do it)…”
Price: Free