Let's Talk about Fake and Real Testing w. James Bach Satisfice (US)
27. marts 2019 @ 17:00 - 19:00
“The MeetUp will be held on 1st floor !!! 60 attendees max (first in, first served principle)1800 Opening – Jimi Adekoya TestLab and Joss Åkesson One.com1810 What Testing is NOT (and why) – James Bach1850 Mingle w. refreshments (by One.com)1910 What Testing IS (and why) – James Bach1950 Closing and mingle Jimi TestLab2000 End (plus an extra half hour or so for additional mingling ;0) James Bach (consulting software tester and Buccaneer-Scholar) is an acclaimed innovator and coach in the field of software testing. After spending a few years as a video game programmer, in 1987 he became the…”
Price: Free