Lets get our Copenhagen Biohacker Social Circle Started!

24. juni 2018 @ 09:00 - 11:30
“It’s confirmed! Our first Meetup for the Biohackers Copenhagen “Social Circle” will be in Gló, Magasin du Nord.The purpose is to get to know like-minded people and have an awesome social circle of like-minded people in Copenhagen.AgendaMeet and greetMartin, Dean and Arthur’s intro and opening (5 mins)• Enjoy a drink together and talk about the future of this community• Mingle and get to know everyoneI’m sure we’ll all get on fine and hang outside of the meetups too, however, we will optimize each meetup to make sure it gets progressively better. Let us know what you think! Find us on the Facebook.”
Price: Free
Link: https://www.meetup.com/Copenhagen-Biohacking-Meetup/events/251191706/